What's gotten into you? (Part 3)

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*TurtleBoi'z PoV*

When Alexander and Lafayette arrived back from their 'outing', they were holding hands. I wouldn't have minded much if Lafayette didn't decide to make an effort to shove it in my face. That guy has issues, real messed up issues.
I like Alexander, maybe more then like, and I think Lafayette is jealous of that. I don't know why though, Alex can be with who he wants. Hell, he could get with Thomas Jefferson and I wouldn't care as long as he's happy with it.
I decide to talk to Hercules about it, he seems to be able to read Lafayette well.
I walk into Hercules and mines room, seeing him sat on his bed, laptop on his lap.
"Hey." He says, barely noticing my presence.
"Yo, can I ask you something?" I ask him, flopping onto his bed.
"Sure, so long as you stop crushing my foot." He replies, I get up off of his foot.
"Okay, has Laf been acting strange to you?" There's no point in beating around the bush, so I just get straight to the point.
"Yeah, I actually questioned him about it earlier, something is up with him and Alex." He tells me as he closes his laptop.
"That's exactly it!" I exclaim.
"I think he likes Alex, but is jealous that I kinda like him too!" I explain, Herc nods in agreement.
"He's jealous alright, and it's honestly kinda scary..." Hercules agrees. We sit in silence for a minute.
"So what do we do?" I ask finally, he shrugs.
"Well, I'll be honest I've been doing some research. It sounds crazy, but what if Laf is a Yandere?" Herc says. I burst out in a fit of giggles.
"A-a Yandere? Oh my god Herc I think you've lost it!" I cry, nearly rolling off his bed.
"C'mon, don't laugh, I'm serious!" Herc protests, looking sheepish.
"Okay okay, so if we do go by this theory, you're saying that Laf is completely insane and wants Alex for his own." I think out loud as Herc nods again.
"Yeah, I mean just think of the way Laf looks at him, and how he always wants to get Alex alone. But if it is true, that means that you could be in danger." Hercules explains, I shudder as he does.
"So, do I just tell him that he can have Alexander? Or do I just need to get as far away as possible from him to stay safe?" I question, now a little more nervous about this 'Yandere' theory.
"I don't know man, besides, we could just be making assumptions. We don't know for sure that our best friend is madly in love with our other best friend and will kill anyone who tries to get in their way." Herc tries to reassure me, it doesn't work.
"Thanks man, that really helped." I say sarcastically, before hearing a noise from the kitchen.
"Whoa, hold up, what did you just say?!" I hear Alexander exclaim, Herc and I exchange a look before running out to see what was going on.

*Alexander'z PoV*

"Just so you know, Alexander, if John tries to take you, I won't hesitate to get rid of him." Laf suddenly says, I begin to freak out.
"Whoa, hold up, what did you just say?" I exclaim as Lafayette looks at me with innocent eyes.
"I believe you heard me correctly, and I believe it is important that you are aware." He states simply.
I don't like this.
This is freaky.
What's wrong with him?
First the hair, then the hand holding, then the yelling in the shop, and now this.
He isn't even joking, and I am, to say the least, absolutely terrified.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see John and Herc standing in the doorway looking confused.
"What's going on?" Hercules asks, looking mainly at Lafayette, who is sitting on the couch.
"Nothing, mon ami, nothing at all." The Frenchman says, smiling at me sweetly.
"Right. Hey Alex, Herc and I wanna talk to you, c'mon." John says suddenly, beckoning me into his room.

(Smol Skip)

"A what?" I ask, completely baffled as to why John and Herc would think Laf was a Yandere.
"Think man," Herc says.
"He's completely different around you! And when anyone brings up John, he looks as though he's about to go on a killing spree!" Hercules tries to explain to me, I'm still confused about one thing.
"But why John?" I ask, notice how the person in question's expression turns to one of awkwardness.
"Well, I uh, I kinda... y'know, I think you're really cool, I like you a lot, and kinda like like you..." he says as he trails off.
"What? You mean you like me?" I question, blushing a little.
"Yeah..." he mutters, blushing a deep red and playing with his hair.
"Oh, John I-"
"Is everything alright in here? I feel kind of lonely by myself."
"Oh, everything is fine thanks Laf, sorry you feel lonely." Herc says to him as John tries to calm his blushing mess of a face.
"I see, are you okay John, you're face is red." Lafayette asks John, a slight glare in his eyes.
"Mhm, perfectly fine thanks." John replies, nervousness in his voice.
"Oh screw this." Herc suddenly speaks, grabbing everyone's attention.
"Everything alright, mon ami?" Laf asks.
"What's wrong with you? You've changed and we want to know why." Herc says, standing up and approaching Lafayette.
"I-It's nothing, I'm perfectly fi-"
"Like hell you are! You've started being a complete douche to John, and you won't leave Alex along. Why?" Hercules questions, backing Laf against the wall.
"Please, mon ami, there is nothing wrong, I just want to make sure Alexander is okay. I don't hate John, I just get annoyed that he's always there when I try to talk to Alexander." Lafayette protests, and although Herc clearly doesn't buy it, he backs down and sits back on the bed.
"Whatever, but try anything funny towards Alex or John, and you'll have me to answer to." Hercules grumbles.
Our friendship is being torn apart, and none of us even know why.

Hello. Sorry if this is bad and seems rushed, I'm not the best Yandere expert.
If you don't know, a 'Yandere' is someone who is madly in love with someone, so much so that they are willing to kill just to be with that person.
For example, Yuno Gasai from 'Future Diary', and Ayano Aishi from 'Yandere Simulator'.
Also, thank you for all the reads and votes this book is getting, you guys are awesome! <3


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