Hospital Visits (Jeffmads)

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So it's come to my attention that I haven't written angst in a while...
Modern Au (goes without saying)
Trigger Warnings: Death, illness.

*Jefferson's PoV*

It's a warm summers day, pleasant for walking in, but a mockery for where I am walking to.
I had managed to convince my boyfriend James to go to the hospital after his cough hadn't gone away for a few weeks- he was diagnosed with cancer.
I had begged the doctors to tell me whether he would live or not, and all I was told was 'it is difficult to say."
I arrive at the building and step inside, flowers in my hand.
"Hello sir, who might you be here to see?" The woman at the desk asks, smiling at me.
"James Madison." I reply, smiling back.
"Room 31 on the second ward." She says to me, I thank her and make my way to his room.
I walk in without knocking and see him laying in a bed, wires and needles in his arms and a heart monitor next to his bed, beeping away.
"James..." I whisper softly, approaching him and kneeling at the bedside.
"T-Thomas?" He replies shifting to look at me.
His frame is thin and frail, and his once thick hair is thin and falling out.
"Oh my sweet James, whatever gods are up there better have a good explanation for what they've done to you." I say as my voice shakes with pain- not as much as he is in though.
"Thomas, are those flowers for me?" He asks, mustering up a weak smile.
"Of course they are, for you and only you. Always for you." I tell him, resting them on the table beside the bed. I take his hand.
"Thank you." He says, taking my hand in response.
"I must say, my dear James, it is not the same without you. You always help me get over that annoying Hamilton, and while you're here I cannot be there for you all the time." I say, letting a tear fall down my face.
"Do not worry about me, I have excellent care here, and as for Hamilton-" James was cut off by a coughing fit.
"As for Hamilton, you need not let him get to you. What he says and does is pointless in your life." James tells me, his voice is weak and he speaks slow. A doctor enters the room and looks at me confused.
"Who might you be?" He asks, setting his clipboard down next to the flowers.
"Thomas Jefferson, James' boyfriend." I say. He nods and asks me to sit in a chair.
"Now, James- we have news on your condition. But tell me first, how have you felt recently?" He asks James, picking up his clipboard and clicking his pen.
"So tired, some days I can hardly stay awake. I have felt weak and ill. It is horrible." James says as the doctor scribbles on the paper.
"Excuse me, Mr Jefferson, could I have a moment with James?" The doctor asks, turning to me. I nod and leave the room, praying that it is good news.

*James' PoV*

"After the recent tests, I am sorry to say, you have mere days to live- if that." He tells me, a grave look in his eyes.
"N-no, that's not true, is it?" I say, tears brimming my eyes.
"I am so sorry, you came to us too late. The most we can do for you is give you time with your partner, and pray that the Gods work a miracle, though it is very improbable." He explains, and I feel it is all my fault.
If I had listened to Thomas in the first place I may've made it.
"Thank you." Is all I say. The doctor checks a few things and gives me a solemn nod before leaving the room. I don't have the strength to wipe my tears as my Thomas enters the room looking hopeful.

*Thomas' PoV*

The doctor leaves not even looking at me. I walk back in hoping that the news was good, that thought being crushed as I see James's tears.
"J-Jemmy? What's wrong?" I ask him, resuming my kneeling positing and holding his hand.
"Days, if that." He murmurs. I wipe his tears.
"What does that mean?" I question, although I fear I know already.
"I have not long to live, and I suppose it is my fault." He says, attempting to laugh but ends up coughing instead.
"No, my James, it is not your fault, not your fault at all. Do not blame yourself for this, you didn't ask for it." I tell him, looking him in the eyes.
"I suppose, but still..." he says, trailing off.
"I feel weak and tired." He tells me. Not making much sense anymore.
"It's okay, save yourself strength, darlin'" I whisper, my hands shaking.
"I guess this is how the world wants it to be." He says.
"What? What do you mean?" I ask as I take his other hand.
"What? What's wrong, James? Tell me." I coax, noticing how his hands stop holding mine.
"Nothing more than a change of mind, my dear. I always talk better lying down." He smiles.
"You do, but what does that mean? What was your change of mind?" I ask him, jumping as the heart monitor gives out a long, continuous beep.
"Darlin' talk to me."
Doctors swarm the room and usher me out, tears flowing down my face. It all seems so surreal.
"He's gone... isn't he?" I say to a nurse, he nods his head with pity.
I leave the hospital and slump on a bench, not hiding my tears.
"Mon ami? What is the matter?" I hear someone ask, I look up to see Lafayette standing over me with flowers in his hand.

I don't know what to say down here except for thank you for nearly 400 reads! <3


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