You're doing it wrong! (Jamilton)

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I'm skipping Fairytale and Geeking Out because I don't have the faintest idea what to write for either.
Now, my fellow pidgeons, I present to you: Jamilton.
Modern Au
Trigger Warning: Not today, Satan.

*Alexander's PoV*

"I'm hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" I whine, throwing my pen down and throwing my head back.
"Shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!" Jefferson replies from across the office, and by that I mean five desks away.
"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Is my response, then our boss walks into the room.
"Both of you shut up and work. Hamilton, if you're that hungry then take lunch early. I can't be bothered to listen to you today." My boss, George Washington, sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"Thank you sir." I say, standing to leave.
"I'll take lunch as well then." Jefferson declares, packing his stuff.
"Of course..." I mutter, leaving the room, Jefferson following behind.
"Soooo, Hamilton, what'cha got for lunch?" Jefferson asks, like we're some preschoolers at a lunch table.
"I don't know, probably gonna cook something in the kitchen." I respond, opening the doors to said place.

I work in an office building, on the second floor. On my floor is a kitchen, bathroom, and a room full of desks. I work with Thomas Jefferson, my rival, Lafayette, a pretty, chill French guy, and John Adams, if he ever showed up. Of course there are others on my floor, but I didn't learn their names.

"I'm making mac 'n cheese, you want any?" Jefferson asks, grabbing a bag of pasta out of the cupboard.
"Since when did you make other people food?" I reply, sitting on the counter.
"Yes or no?"
"Good. C'mere, you're helping me." Jefferson says, throwing the bag at me as I just catch it in time.
"Because I said so. Come on, gremlin."

*Time skip*

"JESUS CHRIST I SAID WAIT FOR THE WATER TO BOIL BEFORE YOU PUT THE PASTA IN!" Thomas shouts, running over to me with a strainer, taking the bowl of pasta off of the stove.
"WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?" I shout back as he dumps the pasta into the strainer over the sink.
"I DID!"
"Why are you yelling at eachother? I can hear you from upstairs." A co-worker of mine, John Laurens, asks, glaring at us.
"Hamilton can't cook."
Jefferson is a horrible teacher."
"Why do I even..." John mumbles as he leaves the room, looking distressed.
"Let's try again." Jefferson says.

*AnOtHeR tImE sKiP.*

"Good, now that the water has boiled, tip the pasta into the pan." Thomas instructs as I gently shake the pasta into the boiling water.
"What next?" I ask, turning to my 'rival', who I don't see as a huge rival anymore.
"We make the sauce. Grab some cheese." Thomas says, fishing out another pan.
"Got it." I say, holding up the block of cheese triumphanptly.
"pass it." He says, holding out his hand.
I give it to him and watch intently as he opens the packet, grating some cheese into a pan. Everytime it melts, he adds more, until he had the amount he wants.
After staining the pasta and mixing it with the cheese, he dishes it up and hands me a bowl, sprinkling some salt over the top.
"Brings out the flavor." He says, smiling.
I smile back and we sit and eat our food, which tastes amazing by the way.
One done, we clear our things and head back to work as...friends?

Who knew that people could be brought closer over making macaroni cheese?

I don't have a clue if you can make macaroni cheese like that, but I needed to get a chapter out, so who cares.
I'm sorry that I hadn't updated, I'll try to update more regularly, though no promises...


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