What's gotten into you? (Finale)

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*Alexander'z PoV*

I wake up the next morning and feel steady breathing on my neck. For someone who is taller than me, he seems so much smaller the way he is curled up into me. I find myself at peace, relaxed in the current situation.
A few moments pass as I stare at Lafayette, then he begins to stir.
"Mm, Alexander? quelle heure est-il?" He mumbles, rubbing his eyes.
"Huit trente." I tell him as he sits up.
We sit in silence for a minute before I speak.
"Laf, last night you were crying, saying that you had done something bad. I don't want to press, but what was that thing? How bad was it really?" I ask him as he stands up.
"Nothing, I was rambling a lot last night, I didn't mean anything by it. Please do not worry." He says, and though I'm unsatisfied with his answer, I do not continue the conversion.
I watch him as he walks slowly to the closet to choose clothes for the day, silently following a few moments later. I grab clothes and leave the room to give Laf privacy while he changes.
It's quiet in the house, John and Hercules aren't up yet so there is no noise. I'm not keen on the quiet, but it is broken as Laf walks into the room, fully dressed.
"I am done." He says, I nod and enter the room to change my clothes.
Once I am dressed, I linger for a bit, cleaning a few things up before I come across a heart shaped locket in one of Lafayette's drawers. It's golden, expensive looking. I know I shouldn't, but I want to see what's in there, I guess a picture of his parents as a way of remembering them.
It clicks open and I look inside it, shocked when I find a lock of hair where a picture should be. I stare at it, confused. It's straight and the same colour as my hair, I nearly drop the locket when I realise that it is my hair.
I think back to the conversation I had when Laf joked about wanting a piece of my hair, except it wasn't a joke, and he does have a piece of my hair.
Since when?
What else does he have?
One minute he's all creepy, then he crying and self aware, then he acts as though nothing happened!
I swiftly put the locket back and leave the room, avoiding eye contact with Lafayette as I go to the kitchen to make breakfast.

*John'z PoV*

I wake up and get dressed, leaving Hercules to sleep. The smell of pancakes fill the room and I head out to the kitchen so I can watch Alexander ominously as he cooks.
I walk in and see Lafayette sat on the couch and Alexander at the stove.
"Sugar and maple syrup." I say as I stand next to Alex, watching the pancake become a pancake.
"Good morning to you too." He replies sarcastically as I giggle.
I pour myself coffee and go to sit next to the frenchman.
"Morning!" I say cheerfully, he nods and smiles in return.
"I owe you a coffee, so we'll go after breakfast." He tells me, not even saying good morning back.
"Can someone call Herc? Tell him food is done." Alex asks.
"HERCULES GET HERE NOW!" I yell, startling Laf as I do.
I hear a faint 'screw you' and laugh to myself.
We eat food then Laf and I get ready to go.
"Cya later guys." Alex says, giving me a quick hug. He's like a mother, none of us know why though.
"Bye mom." I joke, he shoots me a look.

(Smol Skip)

"Hey Laf, the coffee shop is that way." I say as Lafayette leads us in the oppsite direction.
"Oui, but I'd like to show you something first." He tells me, I nod.
Shortly we arrive at the woods, and I start to feel a little creeped out.
"Why are we here?" I ask, following Laf as he veers off the track.
"Remember Elizabeth Schuyler?" He says, what does she have to do with anything?
"Yeah, the girl who had a crush on Alex before she realised he didn't like girls. Then she suddenly went missing." He nods as I speak.
Eliza was a good friend of ours who liked Alex, but one day went missing and hasn't been found in about a month.
"Correct, she did go missing." Lafayette says as he pushes his way through some bushes into a clearing.
"What does this have to do with showing me something, or coffee?" I question, he smiles at me.
"I know what happened to Elizabeth."
Okay, now I'm very creeped out.
"Y-you do?" I ask, stuttering slightly.
"Oui," He says, advancing towards me.
"She made a mistake so she paid for it." He explains slowly, taking something out of his pocket.
"Do you know what that mistake was?" He asks me, not letting me see whatever he has.
"N-no..." I gulp, he smiles widely at me.
"She got too close to Alexander." He whispers in my ear, pressing something cold and sharp to my neck.
Oh my god.
"I don't think I stuttered, unlike you." He says.
I feel a tear run down my face and he takes the knife, flicking the tear away with the point, grazing my cheek slightly.
"I'd love to stand here talking, however I'd like to see Alexander. Adieu, John."

*Herculez' PoV*

I'm currently spying on John and Laf as they enter the woods. I thought something was up when Laf stopped in the kitchen for a minute before leaving, it sounded like he took something out of a drawer.
I lose them momentarily before seeing John's curly hair disappear into a bush a little way ahead of me.
I stay just this side of the bush and try to hear the conversation, only picking up words like 'Alexander' and 'Elizabeth'.
There is silence for a moment before I hear an ear piercing scream.
Without hesitation, I charge through the bushes and stop dead upon seeing Lafayette holding John up by his shirt as he twists a knife sharply in Johns chest.
I don't even breath as I feel tears brimming, snapping into action in an attempt to apprehend the psycho.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" I cry, Lafayette turns around in shock, the knife cutting through my friend as he does, John can't even scream as he collapses to the ground, the knife dropping with him.
I race toward Lafayette and push him to the ground, punching him as hard as I can in the stomach, winding him.
Tears are falling down my face as the man beneath me laughs.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING FOR?" I yell, trying not to look at the body of my friend.
"Alexander will be mine, goodbye Hercules. I'm sorry."

(A few years later, Laf'z PoV)

"Alexander, could I take you somewhere?" I ask my boyfriend.
It's been a few years since John and Hercules' passing- yes, I stabbed them both. I had run back to the apartment crying hysterically before telling Alexander that Hercules had came up behind John and I before stabbing John and then stabbing himself. The lie had not made much sense to me, but Alexander seemed to belive it and he mourned deeply.
I eventually managed to ask him out, he said yes! He's mine now, and nobody can take him away from me.
"Sure, where to?" He asks me, handing me a coffee.
"Somewhere special to me." I tell him, he nods.
"Sure, why not."
We finish our coffee and get ready to leave.
I take him to the woods, he gives me a puzzled look as we leave the track.
Eventually we get to the clearing, the one where I buried Elizabeth, Hercules and John.
"Why are we here?" He asks me, I walk over to where I buried John, standing on the spot.
"Turn around, mon amour." I tell him, trying to contain my excitement.
I lower to one knee, taking out the box from my pocket. In it is a gold ring, a garnet engraved in a heart on top.
"Look at me, mon chéri."
He turns around and gasps, I can tell he's overcome with joy.
"Will you, Alexander Hamilton, marry me?" I ask him, sure of the answer.
"Laf- YES OF COURSE!" He yells, I slip the ring onto his finger. A perfect fit.
And just like that, I propose to the man I love on John's grave. I could never be happier.

Okay, that is why I don't write actual stories, I  don't know how. Anyway, that's done so it'll be normal one shots again.
(Definitely did not rush this chapter)


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