Falling in Love (Jamilton)

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Hi Pigeons!
So, here we are.
This is gonna be fluff, a nice start to ultimate cringe.
Let's see what this holds
TW: alcohol

*AlHam's PoV*

"Do I have to go?" I protest, slumping down in my chair as Lafayette tells me that I need to go to my place of death.
Well, actually he told me that we're going to a house party to celebrate Jefferson's stupid birthday, but same thing.
"Oui, Alexander, he is my cousin, and you are my friend. John and Hercules will be there, so you will not be lonely. Please?" Lafayette says, leaning forwards and putting his hand on the arm of my chair.
How can I say no to him? I'd feel too bad.
"Ughhhhhhh, fine. But you owe me."
"YAY! Merci beaucoup!"

*time skip brought to you by my lack of imagination*

"Do it for Laf, okay?" I say to myself, hand hovering over the fanshy smanshy door knocker that mister 'I'm so rich look at me' owns. Who even has door knockers nowadays? I mean, c'mon!
Just as I'm about to knock, the door opens wide as the tree himself stands there looking down at me. Stupid magenta tree.
"You've been stood there for 12 minuets, gremlin, you coming in?" He asks, standing away from the door slightly to give me room.
"Nice to know you've been counting." I say, rolling my eyes as I shove a bag into his stupid hands.
It's not much, just a bottle of rat poison...by that I mean a box of chocolates, but he best be grateful.

As time goes on and I pray for my own demise, I steer past the wasted people of this party as I watch Lafayette and Hercules down shots of god knows what. Presumably vodka.
I make a beeline for the door to the backyard and sit on the cold stone steps, slightly tipsy and staring at the stars.
It's that time of evening where the sky is a haze of oranges, pinks and blues, the occasional star can be seen if you look hard enough, and the mid April breeze cools my face.
I enjoy the peace until I hear the door softly open and close, signalling that I have an acquaintance.
"Hamilton? Wha'cha doin' out here by yourself?" The equally as tipsy (surprisingly not completely wasted) voice of none other than Jefferson asks, making his way slowly over to me, sitting by my side.
"Too loud in there. Whaddya want? Happy birthday by the way." I murmur, resting my face on my hand as I stare at him.
"Yeah, it is pretty damn loud, stinks of alcohol too. Just came out here 'cuz it's my house, and I thought you looked lonely. Thanks, by the way, for the chocolates..." the Jefferson says, hands behind his back as he stares at the sky.

I take this moment to look at him, properly. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but I couldn't help but notice how...nice he looked. He was wearing a buttoned down purple shirt and black, ripped skinny jeans. His hair looked really soft too.

But what am I saying? We hate each other! Right?

"Please, call me Alexander, last names sound too aggressive and formal right now." I laugh, elbowing Thomas. What am I doing? Stop taking and leave, Alex. You're drunk, go home.
"Oh, uh right...Alexander, I just thought I would say, you uh...you don't look...you don't look bad tonight." Thomas says, smiling hesitantly, as though it took every ounce of courage to say that.


Holy crap...



I mean...uh...haha...damn him, I look fabulous!

"Oh, thanks, you don't look so bad yourself, all things considered." I reply, smirking and poking him in the cheek.
So, this is weird. Are we having a friendly chat? Flirting? Plotting each other's murder? I don't know, but I kind of hope it's the middle one...of course, that's the alcohol speaking of course, I don't like Thomas like that!


Shut up.

"Damn, Alex, still a prick even when you're complimenting someone. Anyway, what do you think of the sky? Pretty amazing, right?"

"Not as amazing as you..." I think to myself, admiring the sky as a few birds flew into view.
"...oh, uh...heh...well uh...well thanks, didn't expect that from you...Alex." Thomas stutters, and I wonder what the hell he's on about.


I didn't say that he was amazing in my head.


"Hehe, whatever you say." Thomas replies, somehow finding my hand and lacing our fingers together.

Waiiiit, we're holding hands. We're...we're holding hands. AND I LIKE IT! WHAT THE HELL!

We sit in a...comfortable silence, the sun setting in front of us as we watch it fall. His hand is warm, I like that.
It's peaceful out here, the sound of the bass from inside being the only noise.
Damn, it's like the rest of the world has fallen away, and it's only us (sorry).

"...Alex..." Thomas breaks the silence.
"I uh...damn, I uh...well, what I'm trying to say is-"
"Just...say what's on your mind, Thomas." I reply, he's clearly nervous, a rare, but comforting sight. Shows he's still human, and not some ange—DEMon from hell. Yeah, that's what I meant...
"..." he sighs before speaking. "Look, I think...no, I know that...that I like you Alex, like, like like you...and, of course, I understand that I'm a prick to you, but honestly, it's because I'm scared. Scared of what you'd think or do if I showed my feelings. I never really knew how I felt about you until tonight, sitting here with you, but...and I want to say this now, in case I miss the chance again, but...Alexander Hamilton, will you go out with me?"

Holy crap

Did he just ask me out? Is this happening? Like, he ACTUALLY likes me and wants to date me?

"Thomas, I-"

"HA! I CAUGHT THAT ALL ON CAMERA!" None other than Lafayette screeches, holding his phone like some god damned trophy.
I'm gonna kill him.
Thomas looks mortified, I still need to answer him, and Lafayette looks like a kid who just got told he could buy any gift he wanted from the dollar store-ecstatic.

"LAFAYETTE YOU DICK, WHAT THE HELL?" I screech equally as loud, as the man, the legend, the meme, sprints inside.
Now, Thomas.

"Don't worry, I'll kill him later. Anyway-"
"Alex, I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said that..."
Okay, what the hell, of course you should've.
"What, nono, don't say that, I'm actually really happy you did! I uh, I feel the same way..."
And it's true, I have fallen for Thomas Jefferson, who'd have thought it?

"Then please, let me do this-" I hear him say, right before I feel his lips on mine, kissing me gently.

Well this escalated at a reasonable and acceptable pace.

And I don't even pull away when I hear Lafayette yelling triumphantly about the picture he took.
I flipped him off though, but he can have his picture, I have my boyfriend.

WHOO it's done. Nobody is gonna read this chapter, this book died long before it even started anyway.
But many thanks, might write more chapters, might not.

Sorry for the cringe, and the very ooc characters 👍🏻👌🏻✌🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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