Hugz (Jamilton)

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I baked a cake today.
Starts angst ends fluff (The story not the cake)
Prompt is hugging
Modern Au (shocked gasp)
Trigger Warnings: Suicide attempt, panic attack.

*Alex's PoV*

Let me ask you a question. When you've lost your home, your family, your childhood-what do you have to live for? Sure, I got away and started a better life, but scars only fade, never disappear. I may have friends, a job, and a whole bunch of enemies, but sometimes I just get so...lost.
So now, after a whole two hours of replaying my life in my head, over and over, I sit here, knife if one hand and a lovely, freshly tied noose in the other. Tragic, right?
My phone starts vibrating on my bed, and I check the caller ID.
Virginian #2.
Why is Thomas Jefferson calling me?
I don't have time for him, I just need to get this over and done with.
My phone stops vibrating, but almost instantly starts again. I realise that he won't stop, so I'll have to answer him.
I swear if you don't pick up-
Hamilton! Thank god!
I'm busy, the hell do you want?
Boss said I need to come by your place to pick some stuff up for him, I'll be there in 10.
What? No you can't come.
...I'm busy, like I said.
Look, I'm coming over whether you want me to or not.
...fine, but I'm staying in my room. Grab what you need and leave. The door will be unlocked. The stuff I keep for him is in the second drawer down in the living room. Don't come into my room.
Jeez, okay. See you in 10.
I hang up and throw my phone against the wall. I notice my hands shaking, my throat feeling as though someone is squeezing it. Now is not the time for a panic attack, but it's happening. I sigh while tears fall down my face, grabbing the blade which had been placed on my bed and pushing the sharp metal into my scarred wrist. The pain is as sharp as the knife, and I suck in breath to deal with it. Blood begins to form and run, dripping onto my bed. I repeat with the other wrist, the end result being two very deep cuts, bleeding a lot. It stings, but I have to sort the noose out.
My breathing quickens, and it's becoming harder to breath. My mind is foggy and I almost collapse to the floor when I stand. I tie the end of the rope to my ceiling fan and let it dangle. I stumble to my desk chair, tears rolling faster, and place the chair under the rope.
As I stand up on the chair and slip the loop over my head, I hear my front door slam.
Please just get what you need and go.
I pray, tightening the noose.
"Hamilton?" I hear the annoying southern accent call out, footsteps up the stairs.
I shake even more, whimpering as he calls my name again, my brain fogging.
Nonononono, stay away
Stay Away.
"Yo, I can't find the stuff, come show me." He says, knocking on my door.
"Please-please leave, please..." I beg, my voice hoarse.
" good in there?"
"Leave, please."

*Thomas' Pov*

Okay...something is up in there. Do I go in? Probably not, but nothing good ever came from ignoring someone.
"I'm coming in, 'kay?" I say, though even if he said no I'd still go in.
I gently open the door, almost falling back through it when I look inside.
"HAMILTON?!" I yell, frantically running forwards as he looks at me with a panicked expression. As I go to grab him, he kicks the chair away, allowing the rope to fall...along with him.
He crashes onto the floor with a cry.
The noose is still around his neck. I slip it off of him quickly, before he can process what is happening, as well as taking the blade and anything that could be used to damage himself. There is blood everywhere, his wrists pouring with it.
"What the hell?" I say, keeping my voice steady
"What? I-I...what happened?" He stutters, lifting his head.
"Idiot. You're such an idiot. What were you thinking doing something like that? You are so lucky that you didn't tie the damn noose to the ceiling properly." I whisper, trembling in shock.
The man I claim hate has just tried to kill himself, and I'm the only one who can help him right now.
"Hamil-Alexander, it's Thomas Jefferson. I need you to look at me please." I say to him, he slowly turns his head to me.
"T-homas? You need to-to leave..." He mutters weakly, tears streaming down his face.
"Can you sit down?" I ask him. He nods slowly and I help him into a sitting position against the bed.
"Stay here, kay'?" I say, standing up and moving around the room. I pick up the noose and the blade, throwing them out of the room. I find a first aid kit in a drawer and open it, taking out the bandages. I then sit in front of the broken man, taking one of his arms gently in my hand.
When both wrists are bandaged, I check him over briefly for any other marks.
"Why?" Alexander speaks, looking at me.
"Why did I save you? Because you're important Hamilton. You're a genius and deserve to be spared. I don't know what the hell made you think of doing what you did, but damn it, Hamilton, I'd have saved you either way." I explain, feeling tears form.
Why do I suddenly care about him?
I suppose this just made me realise how fragile and valuable a person's life is, no matter how much I hate them.
"Can I-can I get a hug?" He asks timidly, looking away.
Although those words are so simple, and if he said them any other time I would've found them pathetic, it breaks my heart to hear him say it.
I nod at him and embrace him, careful not to hurt him. He buries his face into my chest, sobbing. I let a few tears fall myself, hugging him tightly, rocking back and fourth.
Burying my face in his hair, I hum a lullaby my mother used to sing to me, eventually feeling him fall asleep.
I lift him up as I stand, laying him on his bed before laying with him and resuming hugging the man.
I send Washington a quick text, saying that I can't get the papers to him now and that I'll get Hamilton to explain when he's ready.
After a moment's thought, I wonder if I should call an ambulance, eventually deciding against it as he seems okay for now.
In that position we stay, me hugging him from behind, humming melodies, until I too, fall asleep.

Damn, that was actually a lot more angsty than I expected it to be. Sorry 'bout that.
Hope you're all well <3


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