Partayyyyyyyy 2

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*TheFrenchiestFri's PoV*

The decent is always the worst, and we're descending.
Any moment now we will crash into the ground and die a slow and painful death.
Why did I decide to-
"Laf?" Somebody says my name.
"God? Iz zat you?" I ask in awe.
"Nah, 'fraid it's just me, Herc."
I smile and let out a breath as I look up at my best friend.
"The flight landed, let's go." He says to me, holding out his had and pulling me out of the plane.
Once we had collected our luggage, and I noticed that Thomas and Alexander were very close, we met up with everyone and made our way to a coffee shop so we could grab drinks and go.

*AnDpEgGy'S PoV*

"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I scream as we leave the little coffee shop. I'm so excited for this party, it's gonna be amazing!
"Peggy, please don't scream, people are staring." Angie scolds, hushing me. I pout and stick my tongue out, she can't tell me what to do.

*Ham's PoV*

On our way to the palace, Peggy screams again and I hear someone say
"Tch, Americans..." As they walk past.
Now I'm being held back by Thomas as George apologizes to the guy, who now has a bloody nose.
This is going well.

*le time skip*

"You gotta stop punching people, especially in another country." Thomas says to me, but he doesn't mean it, he finds it funny as hell.
"Yeah yeah, sure. We there yet?" I ask, looking around.
"I dunno, but the giant palace may give us some idea." He says sarcastically, pointing to a large building infront of us.

*TiredWashingMachine's PoV*

"Alright, listen up because I'm only saying this once!" I shout, feeling like a substitute teacher who couldn't get their class to listen.
"Don't disappoint me."
And then I stride up to that building with the confidence of an ant staring up at a human's foot knowing that their death is inevitable.
How I wish Martha joined us.

*KingFanshy's PoV*

I flounce excitedly to the doors, wanting to be there to greet my guests personally. Samuel follows behind me holding a tray of gifts which I brought for my American friends.
(Spoiler, this party goes well because I've made myself excited when writing about King George's excitement. I want it to go well, so it shall.)
"Why hello my dear guests, I'm so glad you could make it!" I say excitedly, shaking each of their hands as they walk in, including the lovely ladies.
"Hello your Majesty, we're honoured to be in your presence." George says, and I laugh while slapping him on the back.
"No need for the formalities, this is a party! Call me George, please. OOOH, I have gifts!" I tell them, asking Samuel to hand out the presents to their respective owners.
"I have whisky." The small one, Alexander I believe, says, holding up a bottle of cheap alcohol.
"Fabulous! Open your gifts!" I squeal, acting like a school girl.

*Alex's PoV*

"Oh, thanks, this is actually really cool!" I say, holding a fancy, very expensive looking pen between my fingers. It's honestly the best pen I've ever seen.

*Thomas' PoV*

"Niceeeeee!" I exclaim, opening my gift to find a damn-fine magenta jacket with tails. (The one Daveed wears, I'm so creative.) the creepy thing about it is that it looks tailored to my exact size, even though I've never met the King in my life...
Ah well, it's a good jacket. Never look a gift-horse in the mouth I s'pose.

*Lafayette's PoV*

"C'est incroyable! Merci!"
The gift is a sleek, sharp sword with a leather handle. I'm actually shaking in excitement.

*Herc's PoV*

"Awesome!" I exclaim, finding a sewing kit in the red wrapping paper. I've been needing a new one for a while now, so this is great.

*John's PoV*

"Haha, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!"
Inside the paper is a brand new sketch book and pencils. The paper looks thicc and expensive, nice.

*James's PoV*

(I read somewhere that Madison liked chess)
"Oh, thank you." I say as I look down at the chess board. It looks expensive and valuable, I best not drop it or something.

*GeorgeWash's PoV*

I was almost taken aback when I saw the beautiful wine glasses carefully wrapped. "They're incredible." I say, admiring how they catch the sunlight.

*TheSchuyler's PoV*

"OH MY GOD, ARE THESE PARTY DRESSES?!" I, Peggy, yell excitedly as myself and my sisters find amazing dresses in the paper. I have a yellow one with loads of sparkles, Lizzie has a blue one with buttons and a swishy skirt, and Angie has a pink one with frilly sleeves and sequins on the bodice.
"These are AMAZING! Thank you!"
"Good good, you all like them!" The King exclaims clapping his hands, somehow matching my excitement.
"Let us start the party!"

Aaaaaand you know what, I'm a mean person so this is gonna be in three parts. I apologise for the PoV changes and the boring chapter, but the next one will be exciting, I promise...


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