Chapter Ten

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I could feel my hand itching from how long I've been holding my brush. My eyes stayed focus on the canvas in front of me, trying to figure out my next approach with this piece. I wasn't sure what I wanted it to be yet but surely it had to be perfect.

After all, this was going to become a gift. Just like the painting I had finished before this one. Two gifts.

And I refused to put in anything other than my all into them.

Who am I gifting these to, you may be wondering. Well, this one I'm working on right now is for Roman since his birthday is coming up. I usually gift my brothers with paintings and they always loved them. The one that I had already finished would be for Ceres, as a welcoming gift. This was my best attempt at trying to help her feel settled in since I was better at actions than words. I wanted the painting to be something she can look at and feel calm, or peaceful.

I hoped that what I had made was something that would give her that feeling. It would be a waste to give it to her if it didn't.

I sighed before deciding to take a break and looked over at the clock only to see that I had once again stayed up all night painting. I cursed and hurried to clean myself up and when I was done, the realization hit me that I hadn't started on any of my homework.

The old man is gonna kill me when he gets this report card...

Even though he can't be around too often, he always makes it a point that he is here when report cards are given out and I usually always end up being scolded because of my average or bad grades.

"Max, it's time- Oh, you're already up" Roman's head was peaked into the room and I internally gasped when I realized my painting was still on the easel and very much on display. I rushed to the door to try and shield Roman's view of it but that was kind of hard when he was taller than me.

"Y-Yeah. I'll be down in a few" I said and Roman gave me a weird look but thankfully he didn't question it. He nodded before leaving the room and I shut the door with a sigh.

After putting the painting somewhere no one could really see it (I put it in a corner and faced it towards the wall), I showered and got dress before heading downstairs.

When I walked in the kitchen, I froze when I saw all of my brothers looking at their food wearily.

"What's wrong with you guys?" I asked looking at each of them.

I walked over to the plate of food in the spot that was meant for me and my eyes widened when I saw the certainly inedible food in front of me. Who the fuck made this shit?

"Ceres made breakfast..." Lucas' quiet voice came from his spot and all my brothers just stayed silent.

"This isn't food..." I grumbled while looking at it and before I knew it, I had been pinned down with my mouth covered by my brothers. I struggle and tried to yell profanities at them but it wasn't working with Kade's hand in the way.

"Shut up! What if she hears you? She went through the trouble of making this for us so we have to eat it!" Ares exclaimed.

I glared before biting Kade's hand and he yelped.

"Even if it kills us?!" I exclaimed now that my mouth was free. I looked to Lance who just nodded grimly.

"Even if it does" he said and I groaned. No way, I'm not dying cause they wanna spare her feelings.

"Well count me out. Just tell her I ain't hungry or something" I said pushing Ares off of me.

When I turned to exit, I had to freeze once again as there right in front of me stood Ceres who was dressed and had her school bag in hand.

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