A tiny Accident

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Izuku's pov

After all of the introductions I noticed one person that stuck out to me. I walked over towards Naikō-teki ~chan. She looked really sad so I went and jumped on her lap.

"Awww hello kitty." Naikō-teki ~chan said softly. I let out a little meow to say hello back. "Little kitty you should go say hello to everyone else." Naikō-teki ~chan said as she sat me on the ground. At this point everyone moved the desk out of the way and were sitting on the floor.

I let out a little mew and walked to the middle of the circle everyone was sitting in. "Come here little kitty~." Osore ~kun said. I quickly ran over to a random person to get away from Osore ~kun. I looked up to see that I ran directly to Hi ~kun.

"Osore ~kun stop, you're scaring the little kitty." Hi ~kun said. I wiggled my way out of

Hi ~kun's protective grasp. I walked over to Raion ~kun who looked like he had some sort of an animal quirk. "Well I think we should figure out the gender of the little kitty to name it right." Raion ~kun mentioned. Everyone muttered something that sounded like a yes and nodded.

I just noticed what this means. They have to check me to find out my gender. As a hand reached out to pick me up I quickly transformed into the scariest animal I have heard of,

A kitsune.

I stood there with a bunch of tails swishing behind me. I let out a growl to tell them not to mess with me. When I changed back to a cat I fell to the ground and passed out.

Aizawa's pov

I woke up to screaming and one of my students shaking me. "What now. Please don't tell me you guys killed the cat, that would be the second time this week," I grumbled. "N-no something happened to the kitten, but we don't think it's dead," Tori said worriedly. I looked past her to see Izuku passed out on the floor. "Everyone stay here, I'm taking Izuku to Recovery Girl." I said picking up Izuku and running out of the classroom.

I quickly rushed into Recovery Girl's office and set Izuku on the bed,while I went to tell Recovery Girl what happened.

A/N I wanna wish you guys a happy Easter but if you guys don't celebrate Easter than have a happy day.

The Kitten Hero ( Neko Deku/Dadzawa)Where stories live. Discover now