1 Maxneil

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The camp was made up of an abundance of forest, dozens upon dozens of trees making it easy to get lost. In order to prevent this, the counselors didn’t allow the campers to go in without supervision. But lack of supervision was saved exclusively for the most worthy of explorers. Or at least, whoever could make it away from right under David’s nose.

A couple of those campers included Neriss and Nikki, the best damn explorers on Lake Lilac.

“Alright, now who wants to try their hand at making daisy chains?”


Venturing off from the camp was not permitted, but when on a quest as important as this, rules had to be broken. The sunlight was speckled across them through the spaces between the leaves on the trees. The humidity was intense, but luckily the woods provided excellent cover.

“Halt.” Nerris stood in front, holding out an arm, barring Nikki from proceeding any further. She eyed the surrounding area, scanning for any danger to herself or her confidante.

“Ooh, is it the squirrels?”

“Hold back, my fair lady, /I/ am your wizard.”

She raised her foam sword, listening intently to every little chirp and tweet of the birds. Any rustle in the surrounding brush appeared to just be from the wind. She let down her arm, signifying the path was safe.

“You may proceed.” Nerris stood aside, her cape billowing as she moved. “But be alert, the dragon is around here somewhere..” She narrowed her eyes, staring suspiciously at a nearby bush that she did not trust. Nikki continued walking, tugging on her suspender straps as she looked at the bush.

“How big is the dragon?” Nikki peered through gaps between leaves, watching for any flash of scales that would indicate the creature they were looking for.

“My enchantments books say it’s about the size of a tree, but they’re excellent at camouflage.”

“Awesome!” Nikki nearly jumped into the bush, moving branches aside, determined to catch the dragon for her girlfriend.

“Nikki! Grab it by the base of the tail! Oh, but be careful!” Nerris braced herself, cursing herself for forgetting to grant Nikki a charm of invincibility.


She pulled back from the bush, her knees coated in grass and dirt stains and pride covering her face. In her hand was a salamander, which she was gripping by the tail per Nerris’s instructions.

“Hey, wasn’t it supposed to be huge? What a ripoff.”

Nikki bent down and picked out a branch she had bent to set it down on, smiling as it scurried off back to the safety of the cool ground underneath.

“I suppose something that big wouldn’t be able to hide in a bush that well. Let’s keep searching.” She tugged on one of her elf ears as it started to slip off.

“Okay!” Nikki bounded toward her as she realized she was moving without her, nearly tripping as she tried to slow down.

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