7 Dadvid

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I Should've Told You


David really should've expected this. He knew he should have known that the moment Max knew, it'd go down from there. He had hoped it'd be a time where both could calmly discuss it, to have a closure. Acceptance. But what he did not expect is the way it came to Max. The way David always feared. From the moment Mr. Campbell spewed the truth, David's heart stopped. The ice rushing through his veins faster than an actual bucket of ice water could spill over him when those six words escaped the man who had once been his hero, but no more.

"David's not your actual father, Max."

Those tears, the betrayal in his eyes. This was someone who he'd raised, someone who relied on him. And now it felt like it was more he lied to him. Could David blame him? But it hurt David just as much. The hurt turned to anger, hate... disgust. David felt disgusted at himself as well. He took the verbal hits and attacks Max swung his way. Max became colder, distant, even hateful towards David. A man who had once been warmingly and lovingly called 'dad' soon became just an icy cold 'David'.

He'd grown used to it over the last couple years now. The ten year old didn't see him as a dad anymore. Just a sitter. David had to accept this. And so he did, with disheartenment and disappointment. David had been angry at Campbell, wanted to scream, shout, even blow a few hits to the face with a fist. But David was not ready for that. He never would be, and he knew that. He knew that and his shoulders shook with self deprication.

It made David feel weak. What good of a father was he if he couldn't even tell Max the truth forever ago? No. He lost that title the moment the truth came out. He didn't deserve Max as a son, nor did he deserve any feeling of sadness for himself. He lied, this was his consequence. It was how life played her cruel game. He just wanted the game to end. If not, change the rules to a fairer level. But that wasn't going to happen any time soon.

To much of Max's disappointment, David could tell, he still lived with David. David was his legal gaurdian, whether he liked it or not. David knew better at this point to go with not than to, well, not. Max used to be so open to David, problems arising at school, a friend no longer wishing to be friends, a broken toy or two. But those days were over, Max secluding himself more. David, once again, never blamed him.

Tonight, however, felt like a heavy night. David couldn't sleep. His mind forcing him to toss and turn, eyes unable to close despite the exhaustion he felt. It was two in the morning. An hour that David knew wasn't healthy to be up at. God he wish he knew why. When his instinct screamed to get up and go to the living room, he forced himself to. The house was quiet albeit the creaks in the steps David took. It was a clear night, something David would usually enjoy. But tonight, no. He couldn't.

Normally in situations like this, he'd be in the kitchen fixing himself a glass of warm milk with honey to help fall back asleep. But he found himself stepping towards the bookshelf, outreaching an arm for a book, leather by the feel of it, and sat down in his reading chair before turning a lamp on. His heart dropped. The photoalbum he kept... those... pictures in. Opening it up, he frowned in melancholy.

Max, just a month old, pacifier in mouth. He was asleep in David's arms, head resting in his tiny shoulder against David's chest. David remembered how hard it was to get Max to fall asleep, his cries echoing through the house. David chuckled at his younger face, bags under his eyes. He lost so many nights of sleep in those days. How many times he fell asleep in his classes he lost count. But it had been worth it for the little boy.

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