13 Spacemax NSFW

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The Safe Word is 'Cheese' not safe for work


Max didn’t know how to say it. He knew who Space Kid was. He knew how he was. And sure – the guy had grown a fair bit since they’d been at camp together. And despite his occasional slip-ups and clumsy moments, he had grown up to be smart; unlike what he’d thought.

At least Space Kid was hardly ever let down. That was one of his good qualities. Max just wished he’d realized it sooner.

He spent a lot of time mulling over how he’d ended up in this situation. Him, and Space Kid? Even Neil and Nikki were shocked. Out of all the people in the camp. Out of all the people in the world – it was Space Kid. And with the number of years reaching three on this day, Max was mostly certain it was working out.


But today, he had other thoughts on his mind. Max had turned eighteen a while ago, with Space Kid a year younger, and today was, in fact, their third… relationship anniversary… kinda. He supposed. And Max had a thought.

It wasn’t the first time he’d had it, either, he was sure. Because even now, as he’d been trying to rack up his confidence all morning, the same problems arose as he greeted his adorable lover. Hugs. Kisses. The usual.

Despite his age, the innocence of everything action just halted every word relating to the subject. And instead, Max only smiled, returning the affections, and the day carried on as per usual. School, of course – the two of them occasionally sitting together in classes, hiding behind the building to eat lunch together; that sort of thing. Not every time of course – Max could respect that. He had other friends to hang out with, as well. But often, the two just generally liked to be near each other.

And yet, today was slow. As hard as Max tried, he just couldn’t get the thought out of his head. And of course, it was just like Space Kid not to notice. Or if he did; he wasn’t saying anything. Max wasn’t sure whether he preferred that or not. If the other asked, would he end up explaining, or just cut his way out of the situation?

And when he made his way to his home after school – Space Kid following, as usual, because Max’s parents were not home, as usual. Max had gotten used to it now, for sure. Besides, he wasn’t alone, now – thankfully. Even David had stuck around – as much as Max seemed to hate it. It was better having someone then no-one. He knew that now.

And he knew that his parents were most likely to spend every waking moment they could away from him. At least it meant Max could do whatever the hell he wanted. Most of the time.

“So, what’s it for today, Max? Mac and Cheese? Noodles?” Space Kid listed off the most common of afternoon snacks when he came over. Max couldn’t hold back the chuckle, shrugging slightly. Space Kid smiled brightly.

“Whatever ya want, really. I’ll make it; after all, you know. Used to it,” Max said, shuffling forward into the kitchen. He got to work on the order – half the time, he barely even needed to use measurements any more. He’d done in so many times, he knew exactly how far the pot needed to be filled up and how many seconds he poured each individual ingredient in for. Not to mention it saved measuring cups, which meant less dishes. Not that it really bothered Max. Sometimes, when he ran out of things to do, chores were always an option.

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