2 Neikki Part1

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Oh, shit by SmartByChance

It was just a normal day for the campers at Camp Campbell. The two counselors, David and Gwen, were near the playground with most of the campers, talking amongst themselves about how the three main troublemakers, Max, Nikki, and Neil began to make incredible progress... some more than others. What they didn't take note of, however, was that two of the dignified trio weren't where they were supposed to be.

She watched as he desperately attempted to pick the lock that stood between him and the counselor's office. Nikki didn't know why, and she didn't really care, she just wanted to be included in an adventure for once. She began to notice him and Neil started whispering among themselves, and sneaking away together... without her. She felt left out, to say the least, so she wanted to re-include herself with them, otherwise the trio might eventually become a duo, and she didn't want to be drove out again. She's known the two for a quite a few years now. They have school together and, each year, they're sent to Camp Campbell over the summer. Max didn't have a choice on the matter, but Nikki and Neil had to practically beg their parents to let them go. After the first Parent's Day, they were quite reluctant about letting their children go back.

The fifteen year old girl was snapped out of her thoughts by the sound of a soft squeaking. Turquoise orbs meeting with rose colored ones, he looked back at her and snickered to himself. "In and out, okay? Don't linger." He demanded, wanting to make sure they were out by the time David noticed they were missing.

She nodded to his claims, a fluttering feeling in her stomach as their eyes locked. His gaze lingered on her a moment too long before tearing away from her with a sigh. He quickly pushed the door open all the way and darted inside, definitely looking for something in particular. She stepped inside and closed the door a bit, so nobody would know they were inside, if someone happened to pass. She walked over to Gwen's desk and opened a couple drawers, not really focusing on anything that was inside, as her thoughts were taking over again.

Five years. She's known them for five years. Even after all this time, she was still scared they would throw her away like yesterday's trash. She knew they wouldn't do that. Neil has reassured her countless times that she is just as precious to him as science was, and she believed him... momentarily. She believed him, until she ran into Max again. Max has been treating her strangely for the past few months. Even when they would all hang out at Neil's over winter break, Max would look at her, and look away whenever she looked back at him. Max would ignore her whenever she smiled, whenever she laughed. She began to feel that he just didn't want to be her friend anymore.

But she adored him. He was always so cool, and never got scared, and never let anything get to him. He was the perfect student, and the most rebellious camper. He had two sides to him; the angel, and the devil. Strangely enough, she loved that about him. He was one of her two best friends, how could she not simply adore him? She adored Neil too, but she felt something slightly different for Neil. She wanted to play video games with Neil, she wanted to study with him, and just hang out. But, with Max... it was different. It completely rattled her brain.

"Nik!" A whisper shout came from her left, near the door. Her head shot up as she closed the drawers she was peering in. She turned to see Max ready to leave, desperately gesturing for her to follow him. She quickly darted after him and locked the door behind them. Max looked at her as they walked back to the playground. "I told you not to linger, what were you doing?" He sounded somewhat annoyed, his hands linked behind his head as he peered over at her.

She shook her head with a smile. "I know, I know, I'm sorry. I was just lost in my thoughts."

Looking away from her with half-lidded eyes, he kept his gaze on the trail ahead of them. "What were you thinking so hard about, anyway? I called your name four times."

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