3 Neison

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Cut Out The Pieces


Harrison loves Neil, they hold hands and go on walks, sneak out of camp activities, kiss by the lake while their supposed to be asleep. They're a couple after all, or at least Harrison thought so.

They never clarified it, or said it out loud, or told anyone, but they were together, right?

It should've been easy to answer, but the underlying issue that made these thoughts so much more painful to think about, was just the simple fact that lately Neil doesn't seem to want anything to do with him.

It didn't start off this way, at first when they started being 'involved' Neil was nice to him, even when they weren't alone. They sat next to eachother and held hands under the table while Nail chatted about with Max and Nikki. Harrison talking to Preston as he sat beside the short Native boy, messing with his hair and teasing him every so often.

It was peaceful, and it was one of the most lovely things Harrison's ever experienced.

But now Neil was avoiding him, avoiding eye contact, darting the second Harrison got too close, any time the brunette actively sought him he walked away.
It had been this way for almost a week, and Harrison was hurt to say the least.

It was late at night now, the magician sitting at the edge of the dock wrapped in a blanket as he wore only his pajamas.
It was quiet out here, and beautiful, it made the boy feel slightly better about his predicament, and even gave him a moment of calm, to just sit and look out over the lake.

It didn't take long for his thoughts to start invading, for his smile to drop and the tears to well up in his olive eyes.

What had he done this time? How had he screwed this up? Neil was mad at him, and clearly didn't want to even have Harrison in his presence, when days before he had been holding him in his arms and kissing his head behind the magic stage.

Harrison stared into the water, hot tears sliding down his cheeks and dripping off his chin.

He lost the one good thing life had decided to let him claim, the one person Harrison really though he had, and to what? He still didn't even know what he did. The only thought Harrison could fully process was the one telling him he ruined everything, he deserved this.
The thought just brought out a short burst of sobs that the boy quickly shuffled into his knees.

Everything stopped when he heard a board on the old doc creak from behind him.
Harrison turned around to see Neil slowly trying to back off of the structure, which urged him to sob louder, but he didn't.
He probably hadn't even noticed him untill he began to make noise, of course he was trying to leave.

Harrison turned back around and burried his face into his knees, crying quietly, but actively. He would let the science nerd leave, he wouldn't be more of a nuicence to the boy and waste his time when it was clear he was already attempting to go unnoticed.

Exept Neil didn't leave.
He moved to sit down next to Harrison, placing a gentle, yet awkward arm around him.

"What are you doing?"

Harrison croaked out sadly, his Israeli accent breaking through the days of silence between the two.

Neil's eyes darted around uncomfortably before landing on the magic kid.

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