5 Marris ABDL

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Two Wittle Babies


”We need to get cleaned up...” Max suggested.

Nerris nodded her head. The holding contest between Nerris and Max was intense. Max had claimed the title of winner, but Nerris pushed him way beyond his limit, causing him to break. They stayed and talked for a while, until the pouring rain became too much, and the breeze on both of their wet pants started to make them shiver.

They had to sneak into the Counselor’s Cabin and hope that Gwen was in there to quickly change them. They moved from tree to tree, until they made it to the door of the cabin. Max knocked while Nerris hid behind where the door would open. Thankfully Gwen opened the door (as always). Gwen could only see Max’s head peeking out from the door, as he hid the other half of his body outside of the door.

”Whaddya want you little shit?”

”Um... I was wondering... do you have any diapers left?” Max asked.

”Oh yeah, I have a pack or two left, why?”

”I...I need them...”

”Why?” Gwen asked slowly.

Max slowly revealed his entire body.

Gwen facepalmed.

”Max... did you have an accident?”

”No! Me and Nerris were doing... a thing...”

”Does she need a change too?” Gwen asked, straight to the point.

Max pulled Nerris out from behind the door to answer her question. Nerris avoided eye contact as she stared down at the ground.

”Come with me.” Gwen led them to the bathroom.

”Nerris, I’ll get to you later.” Gwen picked Max up and locked the door to the bathroom, leaving Nerris outside.

Gwen quickly started to change him.

”I swear, I’ve changed your diapers more than my babysitting days!”

Max blushed.

”Sh-Shut up...”

”Just a big baby,” Gwen added as she finished changing Max.

Max took his hoodie off before walking out of the bathroom. Nerris tackled him in a hug.

”Aww! I’ve never seen you in a diaper before! You’re so cuute!~”

Max chuckled in embarrassment as he tried to push Nerris off of him.

”Stoop Nerris...” Max said, embarrassed as Gwen watched.

”Alright you two, I got to change Nerris first.” Gwen picked up Nerris, breaking her grasp from Max.

Max waited until they came out. Nerris waddled outside of the bathroom in a diaper.

”How do you walk in these things?” Nerris looked down at herself.

Max couldn’t help but smile and chuckle as he watched Nerris’ attempt to walk in diapers. Nerris heard him and looked at him.

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