2 SpaceDolph

109 0 2

Painted Stars

•Cola Daddy•🥤

I was painting an amazing and unique looking flower, just to practice my color scheme. I wanted to see what would happen if I mixed purple, blue, and silver together. It kinda looked like a flower from Space....

"Hey!" I heard a voice say, it startled me and I jumped out of my stool. "Oh gosh! You alright buddy?!" I sat up, and paint was all over me.

"Oh no..... This was my favorite pair of clothes...." I groaned, I saw a hand reach out to me, wanting to help me up.

"I'm so sorry!" A boy said, "I promise I can make up for it! I just wanted to see that really cool flower of yours!" I was a bit taken back, no one really complimented my art before.... Especially my Papa...

"Cool?" I questioned taking the stranger's hand, "You think it's.... Cool...?" The boy nodded.

"Yeah! It kinda looks like a space flower!" The boy said, the boy had a fish bowl on his head, with a cardboard suit and a yellow cape. I've heard of this kid before... But I forgot his name....

"Space Flower...?" I asked, "How could you see that? I mean, I was just testing colors."

"Well, if you're a Space cadet like me! To you it looks like stars!" The boy replied with a smile. "It's a really good drawing! And the flower shape is well.... Unique!"

"Oh, um.... Thank you!" I said, "What's your name?"

"Oh, my name's Neil!" The boy replied, "But to make things easier, you can call me Space Kid!"

"Alright.... Space Kid," I said. "I'm Dolph! It's nice to meet you!" Space Kid sat down on the ground and gave me a smile.

"You draw really nice!" Space Kid exclaimed, "Could you.... Teach me a few tricks of yours? I wanna draw for my space trainer when I get older!" My eyes widened a little, and I blushed a little. Tricks? MY tricks? And my heart raced a little, I smiled and nodded at him.

"O-Of course!" I replied, "S-So.... Um.... Here's how w-!" Suddenly, I saw Max behind Space Kid, and Space Kid turned to him.

"Hi Max!" Space Kid said with a little wave. "What's up?!"

"Just watching you two idiots," Max replied. "I'm kinda bored torturing David all damn day, besides, he's boring when he's tired." I gave Max a look, he just interrupted a once in a lifetime opportunity, for me to teach my skills and someone who FINALLY liked my art.

"Well, Uh, you have fun with that I guess!" Space Kid said Back, "I'm gonna learn some art with my new pal Dolph here!"

"Uh huh...." Max replied, he squinted at the both of us. Then went back to his regular grumpy face. "Welp, since David's all tuckered out, Imma go torture Gwen now."

"YOU BETTER NOT YOU LITTLE SHIT!" We heard Gwen from afar.

"Wait how'd she hear us from here?" I questioned, Max shrugged in response.

"Maybe she's got Mom powers," Max replied, "She can SENSE kids planning to torture her. So, hey Space Kid, me and Nikki are gonna break your ship, you better stop us before we do!!!" Space Kid hesitated, but he sat down in the grass, and pulled me beside him.

"Well, a new friendship's more important!" Space Kid said, Max gave him a look. "Besides, I can her again! Right now, I gotta learn how to draw on her too!" My eyes twinkled, this boy was so nice.... And my heart skipped a beat hearing him.

"Alright, you guys be gay over there while I go break your ship," Max said.

"Hey! I'm not gay!" Space Kid said, "I'm bi!" Space Kid sat on the ground beside me and pulled out a note pad. "Alright professed Dolph! Teach me your artistic ways!!" I got out of my daydream, and picked up my pencil, and got out a clean sheet of paper.

"Alright my apprentice, here's the first step to sketching!" I started, and so I taught him how to draw a simple, and he did pretty well for his first time. And that night, I was looking on my phone that I hid from David, and looked up basic stuff. And I found Space Kid's channel, and me being curious, I HAD to see this. And so I clicked on a video that said, "My first video."

"Hey guys!" Space Kid said, "This is my first video like.... Ever! And I'm recording on my phone! So! Today I made a new friend! He's a really good artist! And he helped me make this really neat flower!" Space Kid showed the flower he had drawn that day, and my cheeks felt hot, I could tell I already looked like a red tomato. This boy was so pure... "And since he's so cool, he'll be on my channel most of the time! So expect some uploads of him soon! Bye bye my adorable stars...!" The video ended, and I felt all warm in the inside.... Could this be a start of a new friendship.... Or more?

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