1 Spacemax

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Under the Pine Tree


It was one of those perfect Monday mornings that made Max only slightly forget the absolute bullshit that goes around the acres of land. The sun was just barely rising in the horizon, rain had fell the night before, scattering morning dew on the blades of grass and on the leaves. Sunlight streamed from the side; soft, warm, and inviting.

So why the fuck are they all inside? What the fuck? The only day Max doesn’t actually mind exploring and just overall relaxing and fucking David decided to herd them all the fuck inside to do what, scavenger hunts? A full two hours in the damn fucking main hall. Max is clearly beyond pissed.

“Alright, campers!” David’s cheery voice made him sink deeper into his murderous mood, and his blazing green gaze landed on the irritatingly tall male. He nudged Neil beside him and murmured under his breath. “You know about gingers and their souls.”

Neil snickered a bit before stopping and squinting at the smaller boy. “I’m ginger.”

“But you’re Jewish. It doesn’t count, Chem Boy.”

“Today kids!” David called out, hushing the crowd momentarily, “you’ll be getting into partners to find a little something we’ve hidden in the woods!” He beamed, his hands curling on his hips. “But all of you will have to find the clues here first. The first one to get out of this Hall won’t even have to continue.”

Well shit, there goes laziness.

While David rattled on about prizes and rules, Max’s gaze drifted over the mass of campers. Nurf eyeing a butter knife. Nerris playing with her fake ears. Neil grumbling to himself and glancing at the window as if he were about to jump out of it. Space Kid drifting off to, heh, space.

“Now, kids, pick your partners, but-“ The rest of David’s words were overridden by the flurry of little kids and the shouts as the campers scrambled over each other to get a partner. Max stumbled a bit, quite dazed, before shaking off his dizziness and turning to either Neil or Nikki. Unfortunately, Nikki decided to snatch Neil for her own partner, happily chatting his ear off.

Max scowled and searches the crowd for any potential partners - kids who are easily manipulated into doing whatever his laziness demands of him. He saw Space Kid, and before he has any second thoughts, grabbed the boy’s wrist and pulled him to his side. Space Kid squeaked.

Max opened his mouth, probably to make fun of him for the squeak, but David spoke first. “Now that you all found your partners, I’ll tell you your first clue! Don’t actually take the clues you find; just leave them there.” David smiled sheepishly. “First clue - herbs!”

Space Kid frowned and puffed up his cheeks, his voice echoing in that damned stupid helmet of his. “Herbs?”

Max grunted. “The kitchen, idiot. Come on.” The grumpy pressed on to the kitchen, realised that his hand was still around Space Kid’s wrist, and quickly let go of the boy with a weird churning in his chest. His cold hands reached up to rub his face, and he kicked open the door, his eyes scanning the cabinets. Then he pointed to a section. “Up there. Lift me up.”

Space Kid shuffled to the counter, his head managing to reach just below the surface. He entwined his fingers together in a stool, and Max gripped Space Kid’s shoulders to heave himself up, balancing himself on the other boy’s shoulders.

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