2 Spacemax

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Stargazing ssspacemax

Max’s eyebrows were furrowed in anger, bottom lip bit roughly worried in the hold of his teeth. He looked pissed. Radiating a chaotic energy that would warn anyone to stay away from him. Thankfully, there wasn’t anyone to bother him in the first place.

He sat, alone, on the rood of his and David’s home. The cause of his teen fuled angst was the recent argument he and the latter had. Ever since David had taken him in, things had been tense between the two. It’s not that Max wasn’t appreciative of the older for taking him in. It was just… uncomfortable. He felt weak and useless having to depend on someone else. It was especially strange to be living with someone who seemed more than happy to put up with him. It was strange and unfamiliar. Naturally, it had led to a lot of lashing out. Arguments over the dumbest of things.

Speaking of, now that he was reflecting on it, he couldn’t even really remember why he was mad at David this time. He propped himself up, supporting his weight with the palms of his hands as he lounged on the roof. David didn’t like it when he climbed up here, but it was the best place to get some air. The best place to clear your head.

Max supposed he should come down now. Hid hand brushed against a pinecone, and he took it into his hand, gripping it firmly a few times before rearing his arm back and tossing it forward in a high arc. It went flying out of his site, into the darkness that the streetlights couldn’t quite reach. Yeah, he felt like he could come down now.

Pushing himself up, he started to make his way to his side of the house, where he had left his window open so that he could easily slide back into the house when he was done moping. However, the short journey almost came to a very abrupt end as a fluffy head of hair with bright brown eyes popped up over the edge of the rooftop, effectively scaring the daylights out of Max and causing him to slip down a few inches before regaining his balance.


“Woah! Be careful!”

Max shot him a glare, the other teen gave a sheepish grin as he pulled himself up the rest of the way to join the other.

“How’d you know I’d be up here,” Max questioned, settling back on his haunches as Space Kid struggled to join his side, a crinkling plastic bag of what looked to be sodas and chips clenched in one fist.

  “Call it a boyfriend’s intuition!” At the unamused look Max shot him, Neil smiled toothily before speaking up once more, “Or, this is always where you come to pout. And, you weren’t answering your phone, so I made an assumption.”

He placed his bag of goodies down between the two of them, and threw himself back unceremoniously, he brought his arms to cross up over his head as he relaxed on the roof. He glanced at Max, and slightly nodded to his side, as if inviting him to lay down as well. Max rolled his eyes, rifling through the bag and pulling a soda out. He settled back down, a fair distance from Space Kid.

“You’re not my boyfriend, you idiot.”

This just seemed to make the other even more happy, his cheeky grin somehow getting even brighter, “Okay, whatever you say. You’re the one wearing my jacket though.”

Max flushed, glancing down. He must not have realized it in his rush to get out of the house, but yes, he had definitely grabbed Space Kid’s jacket on his way out. The puffy sleeves and telltale NASA patches gave it away instantly, and as Max shifted and heard the horrible sound that the nylon-like fabric gave off. How he hadn’t noticed before it’s what he had on, he had no idea.

The only reason the jacket would have even been in his room in the first place was probably due to the other leaving it their on purpose. He was always trying to swap clothes, wanting to steal Max’s jacket or get him to wear his old cape. It was cheesy and terrible, and before Max could get too embarrassed about being caught actually doing it, Space Kid spoke up, as if to spare him.

“So, you wanna talk about it?”

This brought Max’s thought process to a halt, and after a moment, he sighed, throwing himself down beside of Space Kid and looking up to the sky. His brow once again furrowed, but this time, it seemed as if his features held more remorse than displeasure.

“There isn’t anything to talk about… I don’t know. I appreciate David and all. It’s just,” He paused a moment, as if to gather his thoughts, “hard. Everything is so confusing.”

Space Kid shimmied a bit closer to Max, smile never leaving his face as he threw an arm around his shoulder. He ignored the glare that Max shot at him as he relaxed against the other. For now, Max felt like he would just let it slide. Somehow, even though Neil was wearing nothing but a tank top, he was still radiating heat. Max hadn’t even realized he was cold until the other was pressed to his side.

“You know what’s not.  confusing?”

He spared Max a glance, obviously awaiting a response. The other just stared at him blankly, but he pushed on.

“The stars aren’t, and they’re shining very brightly tonight.”

Max snorted at this, rolling his eyes exaggeratedly. But, nonetheless, he turned his gaze up to the night sky once more. This time, not just gazing absentmindedly, but actually looking. Taking in the stars that so intrigued the other. He had to admit, the light pollution was pretty low, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, which made every little beam of light seem that much brighter.

“Show me Andromeda again?”

Space Kid felt pride swell in his chest at the fact that Max had remembered one of the constellations he’s shown him. Taking this as an invitation, he curled even closer around the other, almost tucking him into his chest as he propped their weights against one another. With his free hand, he pointed up to the stars, Max’s gaze following the invisible line of the pattern that he traced in the sky. And, all at once, he felt at peace.

The two would’ve probably stayed up there all night, had it not been for David coming out into the yard and yelling up at the two of them to come inside and get dinner. Yet, as Max grumbled and crawled down from the roof, he couldn’t bring himself to feel angry at all. In fact, for the first time since he’d moved in, he actually felt at home.

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