10 Dadvid

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The Big Steal


David had never been one that wanted to harm another living being in his entire life. He fully believed that violence was never the key to solving a problem.

But now?

Daniel, disguising himself as David, had grabbed Max and held him practically in a choke-hold with his warped dagger slowly inching closer and closer...he wanted nothing more than to grab that filthy knife away from the young child and slam it down onto Daniel's face repeatedly.


David yelled furiously, lunging towards Daniel. The cultist didn't expect the attack and caught him off guard, causing him to drop the knife and his hostage as he and David tumbled onto the ground with David on top. David pulled back his hand and balled it onto a fist, ready to throw the first punch. Daniel managed to dodge in time, making David's knuckles meet concrete instead of a face. Adrenaline coursing through his veins, the pain of hitting the concrete was numbed, but not entirely. Growling, David went to throw another punch but Daniel anticipated the attack and blocked it, countering with his own punch to the face. Seeing David slightly dazed from the punch, Daniel used as much force as he could and kicked David off of him. The force of the kick sent him colliding into the nearby wall and he let out a choked gasp as he collapsed onto the ground.

Daniel stood up, slightly panting and dusted himself off. He turned around and went to retrieve his dagger.


Daniel felt Max collide against his legs in an attempt to knock him off balance. Scoffing, Daniel reached down and snagged Max up by the hood, holding him away at arms length.

“Let me go, you fucker!!”

Daniel snorted and moved Max back into the previous choke-hold he had before.


Turning towards the voice, Daniel watched as David tried to stand, pressing one arm against the wall for support and the other resting gently against his chest.


Daniel began walking over towards the wheezing ginger, his form towering over the weakened David.

“I don't think so.”

David's eyes widened as Daniel slammed the handle of his dagger onto his head. David collapsed back onto the ground from the intense pain and the blood from the new wound began dripping.

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