7 Spacemax

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A Night Under the Stars


The sun was just beginning to set when the car came to a stop where dusty gravel met untamed forest grass. The air was quickly filled with cursing and the slamming of doors.

"God fucking damn it. I told you, we should've left fucking sooner than we did. Now we're going to have to trek through this God damn deathtrap in the dark." The shorter boy shunned as he grabbed two backpacks from the back seat.

"Oh stop complaining, Max. It's not like this is the first time you've been through the woods at night." The taller of the duo chuckled and took the bag Max was holding out for him. "Besides, with all the meteorites lighting up the sky we'll hardly be in the dark!"

Max grabbed a flashlight before slinging his backpack on himself ad started up the trail.

"It's the principle of the thing, Neil, and you know it." Max fumed and Neil snorted. They had the same conversation nearly every year, whether they arrived early or late.

Max turned and poked a finger at Neil. "Don't you fucking laugh. You. Know. It. You know exactly how David gets when he some-fucking-how finds out that I've gone through this shit hole at night." Max turned back around and quickened his pace. "He never fucking shuts his god damn trap about 'safety-this and the Sleepy Peak woods rules and regulations-that'."

Neil couldn't help but laugh at the high pitched David impression. He took a deep breath to settle himself. "So? Aren't you like twenty-four now? And living with your boyfriend, far away from anything David?"

"You know how that fucker is. He may be David but that won't stop him from knowing almost everything that goes on near the shitty-ass camp. Not if the Quartermaster can help it. Still can't believe that place hasn't been shut down yet. Actually, I can't believe the death hole legally opened in the first place."

Neil nodded sagely. "It's a miracle what blackmail and corrupt government officials can do. Besides, camp wasn't all that bad, especially now with David and Gwen owning and reforming the place. When we weren't being nearly killed or someone's targets the place was actually kinda fun."

Max opened his mouth to make a retort but Neil interuoted. "Besides, it's where you and I met. If it wasn't for Camp Campbell we wouldn't have ever known each other. And knowing you makes all those summers worth it."

A deep blush covered Mac's face and he stammered, "That's,,you'r-that's,, that is, so very gay." He tried to hide his face in his hoodie as Neil doubled over with laughter.

"Oooh my god, you're so cute when you're embarrassed." He cooed while wiping tears from his eyes.

"The I guess it's a good thing I'm gay for you. And space. I am so very gay for space. Speaking of, the sun's nearly gone. We should probably hurry up." Neil grabbed his flustered boyfriend's hand and pulled him along.

A comfortable silence fell between the two as they raced the sun to the end of the trail.

The last of the sun vanished just as the two boys reached the clearing on the top of the cliff. It was one of the very few places that fully gave way to the ever-expanding sky: the perfect place for watching stars and space rocks fall at very fast speeds.

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