1 Maxpres

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Some Maxpres fluff


Max stood in front of the theater camp stage staring at the camper standing up there smiling at him. All of the campers were eager to get more time for their camps but Preston was by far the most enthusiastic about snagging him for his camp. Maybe it was his persistence or the fact that Max might have been crushing on him but he decided to give theater camp a go, though it was mostly because he just wanted everyone to stop bothering him. Neil rattling off science jargon, Nikki clawing the hem of David's shirt to shreds, Dolph getting paint all over his sweatshirt, it was all too much. Preston was the least antagonizing of all the campers, and that was saying something. But still, he was pushy, and the pushiness had paid off.

"How's the view?"

"Of the stage?"

"I am the view!"

Preston had felt pretty bad when he found out that Max didn't have a camp, what a tragedy. He wanted to see Max happy, and also wanted someone to run his lines with. Of course he hadn't expected Max to actually try anyway, far from it actually. He figured that since Max called him and his play lame and stupid that he wouldn't want anything to do with acting at all. Instead of acknowledging the likeliness that he had an ulterior motive, he was just overjoyed to have someone to share his interest with.

"If this is theater camp why am I in the audience?" Max craned his neck up to look at him, just hoping that he would only participate for a day and he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. But with Preston's enthusiasm he could tell this might not be how things would play out.

"The key to learning any skill is to observe first. You don't play a sport without hearing the rules, you don't sing without looking over the notes. So watch and learn my apprentice!"

Max groaned. He had only begrudgingly agreed to theater camp about thirty minutes ago and Preston kept calling him his 'apprentice'. The worst part was that he actually liked having a new nickname, regardless of how stupid it was.

Preston took a deep breath and began his long soliloquy. Max didn't know if it was from something or if he was making it up on the spot but he could talk a million words per minute regardless. Maybe it was rude since he had gotten his hopes up of there being another theater camper but he wasn't paying attention at all.

"Maxwell! Did you see that?" Max shrugged.

"Uh, yeah, sure." Preston slouched and glared at him. He could tell that Max wasn't very excited about this but this was getting annoying. He just wished he would listen to him for five minutes.

"You better be listening, you'll have to memorize this speech and present it to me later!"

"What?" Preston walked up to edge of the stage and bent down to better meet Max's gaze.

"The theater is a camp of skill. One skill you will need is memory and the ability to recite a script. If you can't present sufficient acting skills to me then you will be campless once again!"

Max wouldn't have cared about being kicked out of theater camp if it wasn't for the other campers egging him into their individual camps. Max sighed. This would be fine, he could do it.

"Fine, just as long as you don't make me wear damn puffy sleeves like those." Preston stood back up.

"Lucky for you there are quite a few costumes in our upcoming productions with puffy sleeves that you will be wearing!"

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