6 Makki Smut

445 3 1

Drunk Biology


It was about noon on a cool summer day. Nikki was in the garden planting flowers as their pet platypus ran around in the back yard. Nikki humming to herself as she plants flowers and from within the house she can hear Max yell. Nikki slides open the back door and walks to Max's study where max is sitting at his desk swearing under his breath. Nikki jumps up behind Max scaring him Max isn't scared of anything but, Nikki is the only person who can scare him.

"What's the matter?"

Max runs his fingers and lets out a sigh

"when we took the camp from Campbell David left it to me to fix some of the numbers but Campbell fucked them up so bad it's almost impossible".

Nikki stops bobbing and walks toward Max running her fingers through his hair and along with his neck

"You know the kids won't be home for few more days David probably has them busy Gwen is keeping them alive they really do love their Grandpa David and Grandma Gwen"

Max puts his hand on Nikki's

"Yeah they really do love them, we were monsters to those two they deserve more credit than we give them"

"But hey while the kids are gone we can go to town maybe get a few drinks I can kick your ass at pool"

Max lifts his head up

"Oh really kick my ass at pool, I don't think so"

Max stands up and crosses his arms

"I beat you dishes for a month"

Nikki sticks out her hand

"you're on"

Max grins and shakes Nikki's hand

"I'll get the keys and grab my wallet"

Nikki hops along full of energy

"I'll be waiting to destroy you"

As Nikki hops to the car Max goes upstairs puts on his watch grabs his wallet and gives Mr. Honynuts a high five. On his way to the car, he can hear Nikki maniacally laughing in the front passenger seat. He slightly shakes his head and a smirk comes across his face he thinks to himself.

"I love this crazy girl"

Max climbs into the car Nikki next to he all giddy

"Got your dirt"

Nikki nods, Max and Nikki both know not it's not good is she's away from the Woods for too long. So she brings a little bit of durt that she rubs on her hand to keep her calm and not become suddenly sick. Max starts the car and backs out of the driveway and heads to the city. It takes an hour and a half to get from the forest to the city Max liked the forest it was quiet, secluded, and best of all peaceful. He had outgrown begin chaotic he still loved the mischief just wouldn't do it as much. Now they had kids to raise and bills to pay being an adult sucks Max pulls the car into the parking lot.

camp camp oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora