5 Maxpres

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The end was coming. Their beautiful, yet chaotic summer was coming to a close. The red curtains were about to shut on their first summer here at Camp Campbell, and Preston could not be more nervous. He had big plans. Very big plans! Yes, he was going to confess!

And what was he going to confess?

Why, his feelings of course! Preston was going to finally confess his feelings to the one and only Max. The feelings he kept locked away and refused to act on, until now. He had good reason too, of course. It wasn’t exactly easy for Preston to tell if Max liked him back. They started hanging out more halfway through July. They grew a bit closer, well, close enough for Preston to feel like Max didn’t fully hate him.

Because Max’s feelings were unknown to Preston, he decided that the best course of action would be to confess at the end of the summer. If it went well, he would ask Max to trade phone numbers, emails, even home addresses so they could talk and see each other. If it went poorly, then since it was the end of the summer, Preston wouldn’t have to see Max ever again.

Preston really hoped it wasn’t the latter.

But, even so, Preston was not going to give up hope. He was charming, friendly, understanding; the perfect qualities for a boyfriend if he did say so himself. Why wouldn’t Max want to date him? Unless...he didn’t find Preston charming, friendly, or understanding.

Preston smacked his cheeks with both hands, trying to knock those negative thoughts out of his head. He didn’t have time for such nonsense! He needed to finish his preparations. He already slipped the note for Max to meet him by the docks at sunset and fully memorized his confession, all he needed now was to find the perfect finishing touches to the bouquet he oh-so perfectly put together.

Which, was what he was currently doing right now. He stood in the back room of the theater stage, his flower options sitting out on a table in front of him, along with a few choices of paper to wrap the flowers in and maybe a shake of glitter. Preston scanned over each item, different ideas forming in his head. All of which seemed far too eccentric for what he assumed Max’s taste to be. He would probably want something simple.

With that thought in mind, Preston chose a single red rose and a few different types of white flowers he found to surround it. Then, he picked the plain white and black polka-dot craft paper to wrap it in. He gently placed the flowers to the side, checking the paper over quickly to make sure he didn’t get any dirt or blood on it. Picking those roses proved to be a bit of a challenge, and the bandages covering each of his fingers proved as much.

He held the bouquet gently in his hands. It looked beautiful. He hoped Max liked it. With a smile on his face, Preston walked out of his tent. The sun was just barely dipping past the trees. It was almost sundown, he should probably head over to the docks and wait for Max there. That’s what he should do. That’s what he wanted to do.

However, his body wouldn’t move. Nerves started to eat away at his belly as he stood there outside of his tent, his hands shaking just a bit as he held his perfectly arranged flowers. Preston was nervous. He was so horribly nervous. He wanted this to go well, more than anything. Preston let out a slow breath. If this was a play he wouldn’t be so nervous. Maybe he should try and pretend it was?

Oh! That was a great idea! If he pretended this was a play and he was playing the role of a young bachelor trying to find love then maybe, just maybe he could get through this without becoming a nervous wreck. He took another breath and began to walk towards the docks, doing his best to stride with confidence.

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