8 Gwenvid

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Intricacy In The Form Of Apostacy

axolotlnerd-campcamp (axolotlNerd)

New campers were nothing new for Camp Campbell. The set of characters that arrived at the summer camp was constantly shifting — no one wanted to stay for longer than they absolutely had to. Some kids would even leave early, realizing the camp was not what they signed up for pretty quickly.

That is, except David.

He was easily the oldest camper there. Most 15-year-olds stayed home during their summers, able to take care of themselves. David, who was capable of taking care of himself, simply preferred to go to the camp he loved. The shift in campers was simply a new chance for him to make friends, an made every summer different and exciting.

This camper, though, had to be different.

She was introduced all the same, everyone meeting her with the usual unenthusiastic greeting of “welcome to Camp Campbell, Gwen”. She nodded and sat back down at her chosen spot in the main hall, pushed to the end of the table as the group moved on to greet the next camper. David continued to enthusiastically greet people, but kept looking at her curiously.

What camp did she sign up for?

When she was introducing herself, she said she was 16, making her the oldest camper to come to Camp Campbell. She had to have picked whatever camp she was in herself, and there were no clear signs of what she came here for like most kids. She just sat down and opened a book, and as far as David knew, there was no ‘book camp’. Maybe not yet — that would be a good suggestion for Mr. Campbell.

After everyone was finished introducing themselves, the counselors told everyone to feel free to mingle. David leapt on this chance to talk to the girl, and stood up to sit next to her.

She was buried deep in her book, lavender eyes taking in every word in a desperate attempt to get away from the camp.

“Hi!” David said, cheerful despite the girl’s antisocial disposition.

She turned to look at him, seeming confused by the look on her face. David didn’t blame her — there weren’t any other kids as old as they were, and you wouldn’t expect there to be, either. It could simply be the fact that they were so close to each other’s age that drew him to her, or maybe it was how upset she looked.

“I’m David. You’re Gwen, right?” He asked kindly.

She squinted, seeming tired as she folded the corner of her page and put down her book. “Uh, yeah.” She sounded like she was going to continue, but didn’t say anything more. Just wrapped a hand around her chest to scratch the back of her shoulder.

“Well, I know I already said it in the introductions, but welcome to Camp Campbell!” He beamed. “What camp did you sign up for?”

Her eyes flickered to her book, then back to David. “Uh, well, you know…” She made a gesture with her hand in the air, trying to convey a thought.

David laughed kindheartedly, not understanding but not wanting to admit he, in fact, didn’t know.

One of the counselors spoke up, talking about the first activity of camp.

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