7 Makki

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Alright, So What The Fuck?


Alright, so what the fuck?

Max had to recount the steps that had lead to the little sleeping pile he, Nikki, and Neil had ended up in, his hood up and a warm feeling in his chest. It had started when Nikki pulled them both in for that hug after they opened their gifts, he knew that much. He remembered the surprising feeling of his face getting warm when she wrapped her arm around his shoulders, happily saying they were one of the things she loved about Christmas.

David had let them outside to play with their gifts for a little while and Max had given Nikki a turn with his new BB gun. She successfully shot at least three birds out of the sky, laughing all the while, and Max couldn't help but smile a bit. Normally, he would have yelled at her for hurting animals for no reason, but listening to her laugh with maniacal glee made him off put his concern for the creature. She was so loud and destructive with no regard for proper human behavior, a near complete opposite of how he was instructed to act at home, and he had to admit that it downright fascinated him.

She shot down another bird and laughed, yelling something about dunk hunt, and Max had to suppress a smile. The would “cute” suddenly added itself to the list of words Max used to describe Nikki and his face fell, the boy shaking his head and telling himself that he liked herlike a friend and nothing more.

Eventually, Gwen herded them all back inside and light a fire in the fireplace while David pulled down the presentation screen. Hooking his laptop up to the projector, he selected a movie from Netflix and let it play while Gwen handed out blankets, hot chocolate, and a slice of pizza to everyone. Once she had done her job and plopped down next to David, Max pulled a can on something from his hoodie pocket.

“Hey,” Max whispered. “Nikki, look.”

The green haired girl turned, licking away the mustache of hot chocolate across her lip, and her eyes widened when she saw what Max had.

“Whipped cream! Where'd you get that?”

“Keep your voice down, first off! Second, I stole it from the pantry when Gwen was handing out the pizza. Do you want some or not?”

She nodded, doing that adorable rapid “Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!” agreement she did when she was excited. Max turned away from her so she wouldn't see him smile, leading her into the kitchen to safely and quietly spray the whipped cream onto their drinks.

“Don't go telling everybody, got it?”

“Got it!”

They began walking back into the sitting room, but Nikki threw her arm out, stopping them in the threshold of the door.

“What the hell, Nik-”

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