5 Gwenvid

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Star Gazing: a Romantic Interlude


“Hey Gwen. Have you ever thought about getting married?”

To her credit, Gwen didn’t spit out her drink. Barely. “The hell?” Setting her water bottle on the grass, she gave the redhead beside her a blank stare. “What would make you ask a question like that?”

David gave a little shrug, but his lips were quirked in a very noticeable, very David smile. “Dunno. Curiosity, I guess. I’ve been thinking a lot about the future lately. Wondering how things will turn out, what kind of path it’s taking us down.” He turned that smile on her, a barely noticeable flush to his cheeks. “Whether we’ll be walking that path together….”

Fuck. All of her internal warning bells started blaring, putting her on red alert. There went her peaceful night. Goddammit David. “What, more together than dating?” Wait...hold on. Oh god. “You don’t mean... together, do you? Like, together together?” If that was the case, then holy shit! How was she supposed to react to that?? Gwen cringed, forcing her gaze back up to the stars. “This better not be your idea of a marriage proposal. Because if it is, it sucks. A LOT. You didn’t even shell out for any flowers.”

“I’m not proposing, Gwen. I was just asking a question.” David good naturedly chuckled, leaning back on his hands in the soft grass. “But if I ever do propose, I’ll be sure to make it appropriately romantic for you! Flowers and all, I promise.”

“Please—don’t. They’re overrated. The petals wilt and get everywhere. It’s a pain to clean up.” And it was too sappy. Gwen wouldn’t be caught dead crying over something like that, thank you very much. 

“Got it. No flowers.” David hummed, catching her eye. “How do you feel about candles?”

She was about ready to tell him exactly what he could do with his metaphorical candles. But Gwen caught his smile twitching, noting his completely relaxed posture. Carefree, even. So whatever was on his mind, marriage wasn’t it. Not seriously, anyway. 

Thank god. 

“Oh, you asshole!” Gwen threw a clump of grass at his head and scowled. “For fuck’s sake David. Don’t scare me like that! You about gave me a heart attack. Marriage…” she shook her head, forcing a laugh. “What next? Joint healthcare? Life insurance? Kids??” 

David slung her a long, drawn out look. There were a lot of emotions in those forest green eyes of his, none of which were humorous, and Gwen...well, she was honestly terrified of all of them. 

“You’re kidding. You’re kidding, right? Kids? We get enough of them here!! Why in the hell—oh, fuck it. I shouldn’t be surprised. Of course you want kids,” she mumbled. “You adore the little gremlins.” 

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