9 Makki ABDL

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It wasn't common for Max to have a nightmare. But lately, since his parents started to get more harsh, he's had them nonstop.

Broken glass... cigarette smoke...

The beatings. Oh, the fucking beatings. His parents used Max as their personal punching bag for when they got angry. The yelling made him feel bad, while constant pangs pierced at his heart.

This nightmare, however, was different. It had felt real.

It all started in a black void. That's it. Just blackness. Nothing to see. Max sat down, waiting for something to happen. Eventually, Max sat down and started to fall asleep, in a nightmare mind you, and that's when it all appeared when he opened his eyes.

It was his room, just the way he had left it before camp. Lamp without a lampshade, bed sheets never set, and paint that seemed to be chipping off every living second. Max walked, and somehow in his small empty room, his footsteps echoed, like it was a huge auditorium.

Without warning, a figure busted through the door, vodka bottle in hand. Max panicked so hard, his breath hitched as he hid in his closest, his vision foggy, and the words his father was speaking was gibberish. All of a sudden, the closet doors fell, and Max’s breathing went faster than ever before.

Max already knew his father was mad, longing for something to take his anger out on. He had been accustomed to it as if had been like that his entire life. Max felt his world spinning as his legs lifted off the ground. His father picked him up by the throat.

His world was in slow motion as he was thrown out of his window by his fath-

Max woke up. ”Fuck!” He whisper-yelled as he felt and saw a warmth spreading throughout his lower area. He quickly covered his parts with both of his hands, somehow stopping the flow, getting his hands soaked in the process.

Max squirmed as he checked his watch. He got out of his bed, crossing his legs and shivering with desperation. It was late enough for everyone to be asleep, except for the counselors. He tip-toed out of his tent, with Mr. Honeynuts in hand. Max was really desperate. Spurt after spurt. Eventually, he reached far enough for no one to hear him, as he finished what was almost fully done in his bed. It seemed like fetish for ABDL and desperation caused his bladder to become more loose.

He couldn’t clean the sheets by himself, so he had no choice but to pray to God that the counselors don't laugh at him. Max ran back, making his way towards the Counselor’s Cabin. Max softly knocked, not wanting to knock hard, just in case it agitates the counselors causing them to make fun of him.

Please be David, please be David! Max thought.

”The fuck’re you doing here?” Goddamnit.

Max was shivering. Possibly from embarrassment, relief, or from the cool breeze hitting his pee covered crotch. He covered himself as much as he could with Mr. Honeynuts.

”I-uh-I... fuck!” Max felt tears rolling down his face. His breath accelerated.

”What’s wrong Max?” Gwen asked with sincerity as she kneeled down in front of him. She didn't need for him to answer, as she could clearly see (and smell).

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