7 Maxneil

391 4 15

Depression Isn't Easy


Max groaned as he opened his eyes. His body felt heavy and the blanket as crudely strewn over him. He sighed. It was still dark, the window was open and he could hear the crickets chirping outside, the room only being illuminated by moonlight. What time was it? It was still night? Had he really gotten such little sleep? He glanced at the clock across the room but it was too dark and too far away for him to make it out. He sighed again and reached into his bag, rummaging around until he found his phone and checked the time.

Almost 9:00 PM. That's when it clicked. He hadn't gotten little sleep, he had gotten a lot of it. Considering he had fallen asleep at around roughly 4:00 AM, he had slept for seventeen hours.

Then he suddenly remembered everything in his miserable pathetic life. Right, it's spring break. His parents are gone for two weeks on separate trips. So far he had done nothing but lie in bed and feel like garbage. Most of the week had been kind of hazy. It was just a blur of lying in bed and sleeping, occasionally getting up to get food. He did the laundry once. That was the most productive thing he had done all week like the worthless piece of shit he was.

He squinted at his phone screen, trying to read the notifications. It was hard to read due to a combination of darkness, having just woken up, and the cracked screen, not to mention he hadn't even used his phone all week. Despite his trouble seeing, he was able to make out a fuck ton of missed phone calls and several texts, but he couldn't tell from who.

He groaned and sat up, turning on his bedside lamp. He winced at the light at first, flinching to cover his eyes, but his eyes momentarily adjusted and his vision cleared. He looked down at his phone again and he could actually read them. Aside from one unknown caller, they were from Neil. 19 missed calls and four texts. Yikes.

He read the texts first.

Saturday, April 13th

Hey Max. Nikki and I were wondering if you wanted to hang out over the break, maybe meet up at the mall or something? We don't go to the same schools so it's hard to see each other, but we've got a two whole weeks without school bothering us!

Tuesday, April 16th

I suppose the answer is no. What's up with you? I called you twice but didn't answer my calls either. Where are you? If you were anyone else I'd question whether or not you'd lost your phone somewhere, but I know you and you don't lose things easily. Don't tell me you're ignoring me.

Thursday, April 18th

Max, where are you??! I know you're not ignoring me because you've never ignored anyone for this long before. Are you okay?? Why haven't you been answering my calls? I'm really worried, Max. So is Nikki, she'd call you too if she had a phone. If you aren't going to answer we just wanna say we hope you're safe.

Saturday, April 20th

Max groaned.

That's today

Max where the fuck are you? We're so worried about you, it's like you've dropped off the face of the earth!! Why haven't you been answering my calls??? Answer me goddamit!! I swear to god if you're dead or something I'm going to kill you. We've gotten so desperate to contact you that Nikki's called you from her home phone. She never does that, she usually just uses facebook messenger on her computer. That's how scared we are for you. Seriously where the fuck are you? We're so scared, answer your phone!!!

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