9 Spacemax

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Spaceships Are Fucking Terrifying


Every night, since the first, Max had continued coming out to the docks to sit with Space Kid and watch the stars. It became a good habit, generally leaving him with a semi-full night’s sleep. Kid was easier to get along with, and the chatter kept Max’s mind off the crueler thoughts that plagued him. And to be honest, Max was pretty sure he had the dumbest grossest crush on Space Kid. It was disgusting… him. Max. With /a crush/. On /a boy/. He was losing his edge.

Unfortunately Max actually enjoyed Kid’s company, and decided not to fuck it up by trying to force himself to stay away. No one’s caught on (except for David) and Max was thankful (fuck you David) because fuck this crush was unmanageable enough as it was. He didn't need to worry about someone pointing it out or teasing him. /Or worse,/ said the voice in the back of his mind, /Kid finding out and.../

“Max?” The brunette prodded Max with his binoculars, bringing him back from his thoughts. “You spaced out for a minute, that's my job silly!” Max scoffed and waved Kid’s hand away.

“I’m fine space-case, just tired.” He replied making a show of rubbing his eyes and yawning. He really was tired, but when wasn't he? He just… He was afraid of how Space Kid would react, even though in his heart he knew it was very unlikely he’d hate Max for it.

“Well we should probably go get those snacks then, you were gonna show me how to open the lock! Not… that I want to break into places… but it would still be cool to know.” Kid stood up, stretching. Max grunted in agreement and rose, waving for the other to follow him to the mess.

The two moved through the night about as well as you would expect two 10 year olds to do. Max slightly more quiet and subtle, while Space Kid blundered along behind.

Once they reached the door, the sandy skinned boy dug in his pockets, pulling out two strips of metal. He showed Kid the trick to getting the padlock open, shoving two thin rolls of aluminum can into the gaps of the lock. He forced them in, then pulled, the lock opening easily.

“Like so.” Max opened the door and bowed.

“That’s so cool!” Space Kid clapped before skipping in straight to the fridge. Max followed, smirking in pride, he wasn't at all disgustingly flattered and feeling butterflies from the praise. Nope, not at all. Kid threw open the fridge door and grabbed six pudding packets before trotting away.

“Mission complete!” The space-case screamed quietly. Max snorted, grabbing two juice boxes and an acceptable apple. So he liked fruit, sue him, shits good.

Just as Max closed the fridge door a bright flash lit up the doorway behind them, causing them both to jump in fear of being caught. As soon as it appeared it was gone. They both were frozen in shock for a few moments before Max hissed, “Shit! Scram Apollo!” pushing his accomplice out the doorway, whirling round to slam the door shut and lock it. The two ran as fast as they could back to the dock where their shit was piled up and plopped down, heaving for air.

“That was scary… I hope they didn't see us.” Space Kid huffed, flopping back on his sleeping bag.

“I mean, what the fuck are they gonna do if they did. Still, I don't wanna get fucking chewed out. I'm too tired for that shit.” The raven grumbled, taking a nice crunchy bite out of his apple. Space Kid hummed beside him.

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