9 Maxneil

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Neil didn't know whether or not he should trust Nikki. She had told her that Max needed him in the closet inside the mess hall, for some random scheme he'd come up with or whatever. But now that he was in here, and Max wasn't, just made him really nervous.

"Oh, shit, what did I get myself into?"

"You're tellin' me." A voice said from behind him.

Neil spun around. "M-Max! What are you doing here? Nikki said - "

Max rolled his eyes. "So, Nikki told you the same shit as well, huh? Dunno what she's planning but if she thinks she's gonna get away with this just because we're friends, then - "

"Oh, you guys found the spot, didn't you? Well we should get onto the plan then!" Nikki said excitedly.

Neil spoke up, "uh Nikki... do you mind telling us why your plan needs to take place in a closet?"

Max joined in, "yeah, I don't know what the fuck we're doing in here, but you better not be - "

Nikki quickly cut Max off, as if she knew what he was about to say, "Oh, I don't need to be in here. But you guys do!" she grinned mischievously at the two boys. But before either of them could even say anything, Nikki quickly exited the closet and slammed the door shut, trapping them inside.

"What the fuck!" both boys said in unison.

Max was the first to realise the situation they were in. "Nikki! Fucking open this door right now! This isn't funny!" Max yelled and banged on the door with his fists.

"Sorry, Max, but Neil has something he needs to tell you, and this is the only way he's going to admit that he - " Nikki yelled back, but was cut off by Neil.

"Fuck you Nikki! Just open this goddamned door!" Max continued to bang on the door, as if his life depended on getting out of the closet. "Nikki! I swear to god you'll be sorry for this if you don't open this door right now!"

"Now what's all this commotion over here?" an all too familiar voice appeared on the other side of the door. "Nikki, why are you guarding the closet?" David questioned the green haired girl with concern.

"Sorry, David, but I need to stand guard. It's important. It's for Max and Neil's own good."

"Nikki..." David started to say. "It's nice that you're concerned for your friends, but locking them in a closet isn't going to do anything for them."

"Oh, you don't know the truth, David..." Nikki stated.

"Nikki, David, anyone! Can someone just open this goddamned door already!" Max shouted from inside the closet.

"Step aside, Nikki."

Nikki moved aside so David could unlock the door.

"Ugh, finally!" Max sounded relieved as he heard the sound of the doorknob turning, which was weird to Neil, especially considering they'd only been in the closet for ten minutes.

"Guys? Everything okay out there?" Neil called hesitantly. The doorknob kept trying to turn, but there was no sign of the door being opened. Neil started to panic. "David? Nikki?"

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