3 Marrie

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Ice and Magic


“What are you doing?” Max asked, as he watched David put his coat on. “Are we going somewhere?”

“We are too! You’ll find out where soon enough.” David replied, as he grabbed Max’s coat.

“Don’t go thinking you can get me to wear that thing.” Max crossed his arms.

“But Max, it’s December, it’s way too cold for regular clothes!” David tried to reason with him.

“Are we taking the car?” Max asked, snatching his coat from David and putting it on himself.

“You bet we are!” David replied with enthusiasm. The two of them left their house and got in the car. Max noticed a leaflet in the middle seat as he put his seatbelt on, and picked it up as David started the car.

“What is this?” Max looked through it. “An ice skating rink?”

“Yep. That’s where we’re going!” David replied, as he drove out towards town.

“But why?” Max asked.

“Well, it opened last week, and since I know you like to dance, I thought, why not take my son ice skating, it’ll be great!” David explained.

“David, I do tap dance, that has nothing to do with ice skating.” Max complained.

“Well it never hurts to learn.” David replied, as they drove on.

“How far is it?” Max asked, not wanting to bear more of David’s enthusiasm.

“Only a few minutes.” David replied. “I’ll put some music on, if you want.”

“Sure, whatever. As long as it’s not the farmer’s almanac.” Max agreed grudgingly. David turned on the radio. Sleepy Peak Radio was the town’s local station, and today, it was playing Christmas songs, much to Max’s chagrin. He stayed silent for the rest of the journey, until they arrived at a parking spot in town just outside the ice rink. David turned off the engine, and he and Max got out of the car.

The two of them walked to the front door of the building that held the ice skating rink. The cold air bothered Max to no end, causing him to pull up the hood on his parka. David smiled at him, proud of the fact he was now starting to listen to his good advice. As they walked inside, they made their way to the receptionist.

“Hello, how can I help you?” the receptionist asked.

“We’d like to go ice skating.” David replied.

“Okay. That’s ice skating for two. That will be $25, please.” The receptionist politely demanded. David broke out his wallet and handed her the money.

“Here you go.”

“Thank you. We can provide skates for use on the rink.” The receptionist said.

“That would be great!” David replied.

“What shoe size do you take?” the receptionist asked.

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