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Romeo and Juliet III: Romeo and Romeo


Preston bounded towards the flagpole with piles of papers in his hands, some falling out of his grip along the way. He was smiling ear to ear as he almost ran into the pole, setting the stack down on the ground, putting his foot on it to keep the papers from blowing away. He shoved his hand into his pocket and picked out a handful of nails and a little toy hammer he had found in the counselors cabin.

He pinned one of the papers to the flagpole and stood back, admiring his work. After the next ten minutes or so the flagpole was coated in flyers for Preston’s new play. He had been against writing the final part in the trilogy for a while after the absolute trash that his production had been turned into, but he finally decided to give it a whirl. He decided to reimagine it, an entirely new cast of characters and entirely new plot. His original sequel to Romeo and Juliet was already pretty far from it, and this next one would just end up entirely detached.

“Hey Preston, the fuck is this?” Preston pulled away from the flagpole to see Max and his cronies behind him.

“Ah! This is the final installment of the classic tale of Romeo and Juliet! It will be amazing, it will be passionate! And of course, there will be no FBI or Bonquisha in sight!” He bent down to meet Max’s eye level, glaring into his pupils. He remembered very well that he had absolutely destroyed his debut, but this time he had a plan.

“Okay Preston, I promise. No harm will befall your prissy little play.” Max claimed he wouldn’t do anything with it but as soon as he realized Preston would be putting one on his eyes lit up. He was already thinking of what plan he would whisper to Neil and Nikki as soon as Preston walked away.

“Oh. It won’t, Max. It won’t.” Preston adjusted his collar and smirked.

“As the flyers indicate, we will begin auditions in about an hour at the stage. Everyone will have a soliloquy to read aloud and I will decide whether or not you can be in the play.” He shoved past the group and headed for the stage.

Max’s sinister smile worked onto his face like clockwork, already devising his way to destroy the play. He was sure it would be a lot more fun to watch a disaster than anything organized. Sure, he could just let Preston have a classic and respectful production but there was no fun in that. Besides, it didn’t seem like Preston ever had much fun with simple plays. He just wanted him to have a good time. He spun on his heels and turned back to Nikki and Neil.

“Okay you two, I’m sure you and I are thinking the same thing?”

“Ooh! Giraffes?”

“No, Nikki. Not giraffes, though that would be fun. No, I’m thinking we have a play to wreck.” Neil narrowed his eyes, unsure about doing this.

“I don’t know, Max, we already wrecked his first one. Are you sure?”

“Absolutely sure. Neil, do you think you can do something with the sandbags?” Neil sighed.

“I guess.”

Max had always been very invested in sabotage, blackmail, and anything that resulted in a huge mess. Or at least a huge mess for someone other than himself. It was fun, especially watching the trainwreck that was Preston’s first camp play. The FBI showing up, a random lady beating up a girl scout, what a ride. That was already a lot to beat, but he was going to have to top it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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