6 Dadvid

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Growing Up (is Hard to Deal With)


David smiled proudly as he watched his son being led inside the brightly-colored classroom. Max turned back to look at him, lip trembling. “It's okay,” he told him softly, “go have fun. I'll be here to pick you up as soon as class is done.”

Max's teacher gave him a reassuring nod before closing the door. David let out a slow breath; Max's first day of kindergarten had officially begun.

Ever since David first broke the news of him starting school, Max had been unhappy; he'd been pretty disinterested at first, quickly moving into an all-out tantrum when he learned that going to school like Dad didn't mean going to school with Dad. David had tried his hardest to get Max excited for school after that, talking up all of the amazing things he'd get to do and learn, but it was no use. Not even the fun back-to-school shopping trips that David himself had always loved when he was younger were enough to sway Max's opinion.

When the morning finally came, it had only been the promise of homemade pancakes that got Max out of bed. David had taken the day off from work to make sure that everything went smoothly, so he had the time to make his son a nice breakfast before his first day.

He'd invited Gwen over to see him off as well. She had some time before her first class, and the promise of free food was too good to pass up. Besides as much as she complained, he knew she loved Max as much as he did. Well, almost as much.

Max had been sulking over his breakfast, spending more time pushing it around his plate than actually eating it. David and Gwen did their best to cheer him up, but it did hardly any good. By the time they were standing on the front lawn, David ready to take Max to school and Gwen ready to head off to class herself, the kid seemed even grumpier than when he woke up.

“Have a good first day, alright?” Gwen said with a smile. “See you at dinner.”

Max heaved a tiny sigh. “Thanks, Aunt Gwen,” he said sullenly as he climbed into the car. Even though he still needed David to help him with his seat belt, he pulled the door shut behind him.

Gwen stared after him for a few moments before what he said registered. “Did... did he just...?”

David's face split into a grin so big it looked uncomfortable. “Gwen!” he squealed, pulling her into a bone-crunching hug. Gwen didn't move to hug him back, but she didn't pull away either, allowing herself a smile of her own.

“Well,” she said after David let her go, “guess I'm officially a part of the family now.”

“Oh, Gwen. You always were.”

She ducked her head a bit, biting her lip to keep her smile from growing even bigger. “Yeah, well...” She cleared her throat. “I've gotta get going, or else I'll be late for class.”

David nodded. “We should probably get a move on, too. See you tonight?”


As Gwen went to her own car, David slipped into the driver's seat. A quick glance behind him reassured him that Max was all buckled in. “Ready to go, monster?” he asked, keeping his voice bright and excited.

Max pouted, kicking the seat.

When they got to the school, Max's teacher was already out in the yard, gathering all of their new students together to bring inside. A few went quietly, others excitedly, and one or two was clutching a parent's leg in tears. Max stayed at David's side, eyeing the group of kids he was meant to join warily.

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