Ride The Waves of Life

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Korra sighed as she watched the waves roll up and back as they hit the beach. The sun was out, the birds were singing and the waves were perfect for surfing. All around it was a perfect day to be out enjoying the water. Or it would be, if the circumstances were different for her.

She frowned as she looked down at her feet, the glint of her prosthetics looking back at her past the blue and white men's bathing shorts she wore. She wiggled her toes, the appendages responding appropriately. But then, that's what happens when your genius, CEO girlfriend pours her heart and soul in to building the world's most advanced prosthetic limbs so her girlfriend can get her life back. And they truly were the most advanced in the world. Korra could feel the sand between her toes, and the heat of the sun, and everything.

The former surfer took a large inhale, smiling at the scent of the ocean as it brought back fond memories of hour upon hour spent out on the water, riding the waves over and over, and loving every second of it.

Then she made the mistake of closing her eyes, and her smile faded as memories flashed behind her lids.

A sunny day much like today, she felt the wind in her hair and the spray of the ocean on her face as she rode through the tunnel of a wave, her hand stretched out and skimming through the water as she rode. Her eyes had been closed, much like now, and she had, had a smile on her face as she did what she loved best. Or perhaps second best. She blushed as she thought of Asami, her beautiful girlfriend waiting for her back on shore.

She opened her eyes, instinct telling her something was off, and she looked around seeing nothing amiss. About to return to her peaceful surfing, she noticed movement out her right eye, in the belly of the wave. It was small, just a flicker of light, and as she turned, it resolved itself in to a shadow.

Everything happened at once. The water exploded around her, and something slammed in to her with the force of a runaway truck, dragging her off her board, out of the wave and off into the water. She screamed as she was carried through the air, feeling as if thousands of serrated steak knives were sawing in to her body, the pain from several cracked ribs shooting through her torso. Soon her screams turned in to streams of bubbles, following her down as she was dragged deeper and deeper underwater.

It was only now that she could get a good look at her attacker, and her eyes widened in shock. A massive Great White shark had her clutched in its jaws as it dragged her deeper and deeper underwater, her blood streaming out over, and around the creature's head, trailing behind them through the water. There was a moment of panic, of struggle, before her body reacted on instinct. She knew she couldn't stay here, or she would surely drown long before the shark had finished eating her. Her right arm was trapped within the jaws of the shark, but her left hand remained free, and with it, she brought her right leg up as quickly as possible and reached down, ripping the knife she kept there from its sheath.

In this situation, the eye would be the ideal place to attack. It was soft, vulnerable, open to the damage a knife could cause. However, her rational mind was not in control, and her arm moved without thinking, arcing up over the nose and driving it as hard as she could in to the fleshy snout of the creature.

The shark reacted, thrashing, and releasing its hold on her, tossing her off to the side, She winced in pain as serrated teeth left her body, ripping apart and shredding already injured flesh, and tearing the knife from her grasp. She tumbled end over end, before coming to a slow stop and floating not far from the injured fish. It was only now, that she had a moment, that she could get a real look at the thing, and what she saw didn't comfort her in the slightest. The thing was massive, easily reaching forty feet, more than twice as long as the average length of its kind, its body covered in dozens of old white scars of various shapes and sizes. It had obviously had a long, violence filled life.

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