College AU

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Korra closed the front door behind her and let out a relieved sigh as she hung her coat on the coatrack. She took off her sneakers too and placed them neatly underneath. She smiled when she saw her roommate's shoes. (Black heels, oh baby...) Asami's home already... nice... alright... be cool Korra... cool as a cucumber. She couldn't wipe the smirk off of her face when she heard her phone beep. With a frown, she took it out of her pocket. "Awh crap... battery almost dead... better get my charger."

While she headed off to her room, she heard the sound of the shower. A dark blush appeared on her cheeks when she let her imagination run wild. Asami under the shower... naked... naked Asami...

Your gay is showing... I think you need to wipe that drool off of your chin.

Shut up! She facepalmed herself internally and the color on her cheeks only deepened. She's straight, she's straight, she's straight...! Get a grip Korra! You saw her with some guy last week! She had her hand on the door handle when she heard sounds coming from the bathroom. A shriek, followed by something that ripped and a loud bang.


She could still hear the water run but apart from that, it was dead silent for a few seconds. She still held onto the doorknob but slowly let go and headed to the bathroom door. She put her ear against it and listened carefully. She heard a soft groan that came from the other side. "Asami? You okay in there...?"

"K-Korra... is that you...?" Another groan followed by a whimper. "C-can you come in please... shit... I think I broke something."

"Yeah sure." And without thinking, she opened the door. Her heart skipped a beat or two when she saw her friend. The shower curtain had fallen onto the marble floor and Asami was sitting in the bathtub. Huddled up. The showerhead was still spraying water on her. She held one of her hands against her chest and with the other she held her head. Korra turned off the water and knelt down next to the engineer student. "Hey... what happened? You okay?"

She gave Korra a faint smile and shook her head slowly. Her eyes closed for a moment. As if shaking her head was hurting her. "I think I broke my wrist... and I hit my head." She said on a soft tone and reached Korra her injured wrist. "But... you're the med student... heh... so you tell me."

Korra swallowed hard. When Asami reached her her hand, she exposed her naked chest. Revealing her breasts. Oh my god... don't stare! Don't stare! She cleared her throat and gently took Asami's hand in both of hers. Testing it by moving it into several different directions. Distracting herself successfully. The engineer winced every so often but it seemed it wasn't actually broken. "It's not broken... but badly bruised." She she looked up at her friend and saw the big bump on her forehead. "Let's get you out of here so I can patch you up... shall we?"

A nod and a sigh was all she got. Then again, Asami was probably having a horrible headache. Korra reached for Asami's robe that was luckily closeby and slowly got back on her feet. Leaning forward. "Wrap your arms around my neck if you can..." Which Asami promptly did and Korra was able to lift her out. Wrapping the robe around her friend's body. With a bit of trouble, she managed to get her arms in too and closed the front with a tight knot.

"Everything is spinning..." Asami whispered and she looked like she was about to faint. Korra quickly let her sit down on the toilet, which seemed to lessen the dizziness at least. She gave her a moment before she decided to pick her friend up and just carry her to her bedroom.

"You'll be okay... just rest your head against my shoulder." Which Asami did. Her eyes closed. Her injured wrist held by her healthy hand. Keeping it as still as possible. Korra carried her friend to her bedroom, which happened to be right next her own. Placing Asami on her bed. She found her sleeping dress under the pillow and helped Asami change. She had quickly texted a friend of the family who happened to be a real doctor. Asami groaned softly when the doorbell rang and Korra hurried to let Kya in.

She confirmed what Korra had suspected about Asami's wrist and the med student let out a sigh of relief. "Someone needs to stay with her though. She has a concussion." Kya continued and Korra nodded to her words. She had wrapped Asami's wrist nicely in supporting bandages.

"Alright, that won't be a problem. Thanks Kya, for coming over. How much is it?"

The doctor shook her head. "It's alright. Let's call it even since you have been babysitting the twins a few times." Both laughed softly and Korra showed the older woman the way out. Once she was back in Asami's room, she sat down on the edge. "So, someone needs to stay with you tonight... do, you want me to call your boyfriend...?"

Asami looked at her roomie confused. "Boyfriend...? I don't have a boyfriend. What makes you say that...?"

Korra's cheeks showed a faint pink. Busted... "I... well, I was in the city last week. I happened to see you and a guy. Hugging. Quite, intimately."

Asami smiled and let out a weak chuckle. "That was Mako. He's super gay... and we're quite close so we hug like a couple I guess." She paused for a moment when she saw Korra bite her lower lip. So cute... "I actually like girls... but no girlfriend for the moment. We broke up a few months ago."

Korra blinked. "Oh... so that's why you were stuffing your face with anything chocolaty. I wondered why you ate my chocolate bars. And why you looked so messy. Although I thought you very cute...- Uh..." She stuttered a few other words but rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

Asami's cheeks matched Korra's in color. She thinks I'm cute...? "I well... it wasn't one of those nice breakups you see in movies..." She muttered and cleared her throat. She averted her gaze for a moment. Unable to look into those bright, blue eyes. "B-but I think you're cute too..." Oh Raava... I said it! I actually said it! Her heart hammered in her chest when she slowly met Korra's gaze again.

The med student looked at her in disbelief. "Y-you do? Really?" Her entire demeanor changed and her nervousness made place for happiness. A bright and infectious smile on her lips. She placed a hand on Asami's healthy one. Squeezing it gently. The other woman squeezed right back.

"How about... we go on a date...? Once my terrible headache is over that is." She said with a soft chuckle.

"Sounds perfect." She pulled out a small jar of painkillers from her pocket. "Got these from Kya... strong painkillers. I'll stay with you while you sleep. If you'll have me." She said with a smile and took of the lid. Taking two pills out.

"I'd like that very much yes." She said and while Korra got up to get a glass of water, she sat up a bit straighter. She was back within the minute and soon, the pills and water were gone. The empty glass on her nightstand. She shifted position again and laid on her side. This time, Korra crawled behind her. A strong body against her back and strong arms around her frame. The engineer let out a content sigh and closed her eyes.

Korra smiled. Her face buried in the mass of Asami's damp hair. Her hand rested on Asami's. Fingers entwined. She closed her eyes too and listened how Asami's breathing started to even out as she slowly fell asleep.

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