𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐

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There were four rules given to me ,four rules how I managed to break them  I'll never know.

The councilors office was odd it seemed like a waste of time at first it felt unreasonable, but I would honestly do anything to skip class it was a time where I could be at peace over the craziness of school.

the office was a mix of weeping children leaving it and students rushing out that had the scent of weed pooling around them .
At last it was showtime ,my turn. I didn't care much about school.... shocker the average teen not caring about school I must be soo relatable  or something.

The cold air from the air conditioning was blasting on my face as I entered the white and plant decorated office.

while miss Natalie was a counsellor I treated her as a friend most of the time .

I mean her job is to understand teens and give us some sort of life changing message right?

For example

"  hey you got this hang in there chap life gets better."

yeah, she did here and there but she knew when to cut the act with me I've been going to her since I was in freshman year.

now I'm a senior so to say she would know me by now would be an understatement.

"alright what is it today need an excuse to go home? what we writing flu, stomach problems?".

she would also write me excuses to go back home. "nah I came to miss art".

don't get me wrong I love art it's like the best way to express yourself, but I wasn't up to it today

"I had a dream again last night,it was wild like I was on a serious acid trip"

of course, I have never taken drugs before I mean I don't mess around like that.

"again ... did you get anything from it this time?"

"no" I lied, as much I trusted her I couldn't possible tell her about my dreams I mean the visual aspects in the dream are becoming more vivid day by day and I can't stand it .

"well that's the bell do you need the excuse or not ?".

"nah keep it I am just gonna go."

with that I went straight to the parking lot and into my car.

The car wasn't anything new but that's what I loved about it .

it was pretty much the other place I felt comfortable in other than my home and the counselors office.

I never immediately drive back home , I go to this place called dew it's a park where no one ever goes so it's always quiet and it's almost as if everyone just left the earth it's amazing .

I wouldn't say I am someone that has no control over their emotions but they do get a hold over me very often .

They're somehow always unpredictable I could be happy then upset in a span of seconds, I reckon its not anything serious but rather me being almost bored of what emotion I am feeling in that moment that I decide to switch.

I only go home when it starts getting dark but before that I always bring something from the store with me , it started as a tradition when I started to drive to school .

our house is pretty secluded coverd by all kinds of trees.

yes, we are those people that live in forests,

and no were not crazies planning on murdering people.

fun fact my parents got married when they're were twenty then ran away off to the middle of nowhere and decide on buying a house that's super secluded in the wood's fun...

"When I was six, I thought people would stop being stupid"

let's just say I didn't have the best experience with other humans living on this planet already .

"I am home!".

Entering the house was always a new experience it would consist of burnt cookie fumes all over the house , or paint fumes from my mother's studio spreading across the house .

or quiet ... pure quiet and finally my brothers indie music blasting from his room, but today it was paint definitely paint , I dropped the plastic bag on the counter dropping my jean jacket with it .

" hey there sweetie how was school?" my mom had paint all over her hands.

" mom no hugs you have paint fingers, are you working on something?"

no I have no orders yet but just a piece , I got inspired by the birds outside .

With that I slid from sitting on the counter to my room and threw myself on the bed looking at the celling .

when i was nine I thought I would be a great Idea to paint my celling with stars that glowed in the dark .

irritated at the thought of my " nine year old genius thinking"

I  laid   flat on my stomach, head deep on the mattress

" wow... I really am bored huh "

whenever I felt a tinge of  boredom arise I would go to this lake near the woods.

" I discovered when I was around four when I threatened to run away from home after a fight with my mom .

I had grabbed my jacket ,boots and a flash light And was on my way .

I had to sneak out, I wasn't secretive or anything It's just

my mother hated the fact that I would go to the woods .

"hey mom I am gonna quickly go see  Daisy " .

"oh ok honey!"

the words echoed from where she was furiously painting from .

Daisy was an old friend that had moved here a couple years ago she lived on the other side of the woods .

the catch was we stopped being friends years ago when she started having an obsession with thinking she was a queen of a made up country then tried forcing me to lick her dogs paw.

yeah... so I stopped that friendship real quick .
I now  use her as an excuse to leave the house, my mom still thinks were the best of buds.

Going into the forest is always a thrilling feeling honestly you never know if you'll make it out again or be lost in here forever .

I usually sat  by the lake for a while looking at the water .

water's weird if you think about it , it's all dark and scary when there's no light, but all pretty and sparkly when there is.

after my wondering thoughts on water filled my head, I Had looked towards the woods as a twig snapped standing up slowly I started to take the path home .

as I started walking I heard footsteps at the back of me so  I started picking up pace and so did the footsteps.

" you know what frick it I am running"

and so the race had commenced I could feel fingertips brush on my arm .

the sense of relief hit me when I saw my house peek through the trees I was rushing, out of breath and panting  when I had finally entered the house.

"sweetie are you ok?" my mom practically rushes to me forgetting she has food cooking on the stove

"yeah I just ... d-a-is-y and I were r-ac-i-ng "

"oh is she outside? I should say hi" before my mom could open the door, I slammed my hand on the door.
"no ... mom the food."

"oh right".

I went straight up  to my room and decided to look out the  window to see what the hell was chasing me or who .

But even If  the person was there it was too dark to see .

I Flopped on my bed once again Looking at the stars

"what the hell was that? ".

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