My Psycho Husband

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Assalamualaikum and hello guys !

I know I haven't updated MPH for a year . So, today I wanna clarify something.

Okay so cerita dia macam ni. As you know, MPH ni cerita dia pasal a psycho man yang hensem + kaya. And I think this type of psycho and a possesive  man look cute (pft what?)  and must be damn so loyal.

Well, I started this book when I was 13 years old. Jadi masa tu serius my stupidness is on another level. Saya baca balik semuaaaa comments dari bab 1 sampai lah bab 40 lebih ni and yeah memang cringe gila.

Tak dinafikan ya disini yang saya start buat cerita lelaki psycho lepas baca banyak wattpad story pasal obsession and psycho love story. They're loyal (idk yes or no) and always jealous. So as a 13 yrs old student, I think lelaki yang kuat jealous ni cute (kepala otak) and everyone want a loyal partner (loyalty first).

Tapi, orang yang macam ni banyak betul yang abusive serta kuat mengongkong life partner dia and after a years , from 13 to 16 (lamanya cerita ni tergantung sepi) I start to think that I shouldn't normalise a abusive love story as cute,sweet or romantic because reality dia tak macam ni pun (based on social media research)

Tapi, orang yang macam ni banyak betul yang abusive serta kuat mengongkong life partner dia and after a years , from 13 to 16 (lamanya cerita ni tergantung sepi) I start to think that I shouldn't normalise a abusive love story as cute,sweet or rom...

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(btw banyak post pasal potrait so kalau korang minat art potrait feel free to follow her instagram account♡︎)

not gonna lie, I actually enjoy watching psycho,possessive and obsession love story (kalau hero hensem lol) tapi anak-anak sekalian, hensem tu jarang betul lah wujud. Nak kata dia berubah jadi baik pun hm dalam wattpad je lah.

Jadi for MPH, tajuk still sama but I don't wanna put that romantic scene about a psycho man and I actually confuse nak continue ke tak sebab hero dia ni psiko. And dalam pada masa yang sama saya tak nak pembaca rasa yang lelaki psiko ni cute and tiba-tiba pasang angan angan nak bercinta dengan a psycho man.

Di sebab kan oleh itu, saya cuba lah buat research pasal penyakit Aryan (Obsessive Love Disorder) and saya rasa better lah saya serlahkan diri Aryan sebagai watak lelaki yang tak abusive (bertumbuk dengan lelaki je) . Dan saya juga akan lebih tonjol kan penyakit Aryan berbanding sikap psiko dia.

MPH pun ada scene membunuh sebelum ni jadi saya harap takde yang terpengaruh lah ya ( ˘ ³˘)

Jadi saya harap awak semua tak terpengaruh dengan psycho love story macam saya lah ya !! ♥️♥️♥️

Jangan terpengaruh dengan romance movie or a book about a psycho love story. Sebab realiti nya tak seindah mana. (memang tak indah pun)

Thirteen years old me thought that a psycho man is a caring and a super duper loyal man. His jealousy is damn so cute. Abusive scene mean nothing to me.

And a fifteen years old me thought that a handsome psycho man exist (well maybe but you rarely meet them) and I want one a psycho and a great possessive boyfriend.

But a sixteenth years old me taught me that a psycho man is actually abusive and this type of relationship is actually toxic and not cute at all. They might be loyal but you're the one who gonna get hurt.

Jadi lepas habis satu bab saya akan sentiasa tulis ni untuk mengingatkan awak semua pasal toxic relationship ni.

A psycho love story isn't cute at all. A psycho isn't the real one for you. Abusive relationship is so toxic. This's just a wattpad story.

Atau korang boleh tambah lagi apa-apa yang korang rasa pasal psycho love story. Anything!!! Sebab pasal psycho ni saya search daripada internet je. And saya memang nak selitkan setiap chapter dengan kata-kata pasal reality psycho love di setiap pengakhiran bab so feel free to share about it with me!

Sekali lagi saya ingat kan. THIS IS WATTPAD . A FANTASY FROM MY MIND . NOT REAL AT ALL .


okay dah tu je. Maaf sebab dah lama tak update (;'ٹ')

Kalau ilham datang melawat , in Shaa Allah nanti saya update.

Assalamualaikum and bye bye !!! ♥️♥️♥️

My Psycho HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now