Just The Way You Are (Oscar)

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Requested by Perksofbeingjune34! 

A/N: I decided to make this a full plus size imagine. Plus size women are not appreciated enough and society needs to change their view on people's body types like why are you so obsessed with what people's bodies like? Worry about yourself and change your body for you, not other people.

Plus size is slowly starting to get accepted but not enough. Hopefully, the world would accept us completely without saying anything negative about it because it was how our bodies were built and made by God himself one day.

I'm proud to be one. If you don't accept it, you can completely stop following me and not read any of my imagines again.

If you are one like me, you are so beautiful and amazing! Take time everyday and appreciate where your body takes you everywhere and love the amazing curves you got! Plus size/slim thick is trending now so, go ahead and walk into that room in that outfit you don't usually put on and make people give their full undivided attention to your beautiful, amazing, outgoing self with your beautiful curves!

I hope you enjoy this. I just have to say that to anyone who doesn't believe in plus size women. You can still read this if you're not plus size. You are welcome to request an imagine with any different size, race, height, sexuality, anything you can think of.

Remember, your body is beautiful and don't change it for nobody except for your amazing self! Bye! Thanks for the support and reading my imagines all the way till now. This becomes my 50th imagine omg 🥺 okay, I'm done. Enjoy. Bye ily -angelbabyszn ❤️

F/C - Favorite Color

F/F - Favorite Fruit

"Y/N!" shouted your younger sister, Monse in front of you annoyed.

Monse was shouting out your name for the past two minutes, trying to get your attention but you weren't answering.

You continue to write lyrics on your towel underneath an umbrella while listening to your beat you made through your headphones.

Music is the only thing that understands and helps you get through community college and all of the negative comments about you.

Where's the negative comments coming from? People usually make small comments of your weight. You're a plus - size girl.

At certain times, some comments could ruin your day but you don't let it in your head too much.

Monse growled in anger and took off your headphones quickly. You look up at her crazy.


"Come on and have fun with us. It's a good day to be out here on the beach. Spooky's here..." said Monse grinning, knowing that you like him.

You hit Monse in her left arm and she faked being in pain with no sound coming out.

"I know that! We're just friends. Also, he wouldn't like a girl like me. Nobody don't like girls my size." you said as you start to get sad again.

You tried to grab your headphones back but failed. Instead, you got a hit from Monse which actually hurt you.

"Monse!" you shouted while grabbing your right arm with your left hand at the spot where she hit you at.

"What did I tell you about talking yourself down! You're so beautiful! Anybody is blind if they don't see it!" said Monse.

"Okay, sure. Now, can you hand me my headphones?" you asked after you got up from your towel and have your hand out to her.

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