Extra~ Chapter 34

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(Y/N) POV~
We finally got to go home after I had our baby. We were relaxing on the coach well (he/she) was sleeping when someone knocked on the door.

Kuroo got up and opened it and I looked over to see Bokuto. He looked like he was about to yell something but Kuroo slapped him.

"My child is sleeping," he said in a whisper.

"Gotcha," Bokuto said walking in.

"Hello Bokuto," I said is a hushed voice as he walked into our house.

"Hey (Y/N)," he said quietly sitting down in a chair, "Has (C/N) said their first words yet, it better have been Uncle Bokuto"

"(She/He) was just born so no," I said looking at him a bit concerned, "Anyways that child's first words better be mom, or mommy or some variation of mom because I carried that thing around for 9 months"

"And the second should be dad or daddy," Kuroo said sitting beside me.

"Yes," I said agreeing with my husband, "We are their parents, we are raising them"

"Fine," Bokuto said a bit upset, but it didn't last long, "Uncle Bokuto can be (her/his) third words"

"You can fight with my mother over that," I said not wanting to deal with this topic anymore.

"It's safe to bet that with any luck Uncle Bokuto will be (his/her) fourth word," Kuroo said wrapping an arm around me, "I wouldn't fight (Y/N)'s mother on it, she can be scary if you give her a towel"

Kuroo has been somewhat traumatized, and now when ever he sees my mom with a towel he freezes and you can tell he's scared.

"Okay," Bokuto said knowing that my mother is not a women to be messed with. He was at our wedding and watched my mother threaten Kuroo, and has seen her chase him with a towel.

"Do want to see (him/her)?" I asked Bokuto, even though I already knew the answer.

"Yes, yes, yes," He said getting out of his seat.

"Okay, but you have to be quiet," I said as I stood up.

"If you dare wake (C/N) up so help me," Kuroo said getting up after me.

"I promise I will not wake your sleeping child up," Bokuto said as he followed us into the nursery.

When we walked in I went to the crib that (C/N) was in. I looked down and smiled. I felt Kuroo rest a hand on my back and I could see him look down at our baby.

I turned to Bokuto to find him, crying?

I looked at him confused and he gave me a look as to tell me to stop judging him.

We left the nursery and went back to the living room.

"Bokuto, are you okay?" I asked him as he wiped a few tears away.

"Yes," he said sniffling, "Your child is just so cute"

He then grabbed a bag which I guess he had brought with him.

"Here," he said handing me the bag and smiling.

I looked at Kuroo for a second and then looked in the bag. In the bag is a small owl hat for a baby. I let out a small laugh as I take it out of the bag.

 I let out a small laugh as I take it out of the bag

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"Bokuto?" I said as I looked at the hat. It was great to have, I'm not gonna lie, we needed more baby hats, but I have a feeling that there is a reason behind it.

"Well your baby is like a hairless cat right now so (his/her) head is going to get cold," He said smiling, "So what better then an owl hat"

"Thank you Bokuto," I said putting the hat down, "I appreciate it, but do not call my baby a hairless cat"

Bokuto looked at Kuroo for help.

"Thank you for the baby hat, but do not call our child a hairless cat," he said staring daggers at Bokuto.

"Oh no," Is all that Bokuto said before running out the front door with me chasing after him screaming that my baby is not a hairless cat.

Thanks for reading
Word Count~ 695

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