lets party

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I was awaken the next morning to Avani's phone alarm going off. She groaned and rolled over, turning it off.
"ITS WEDDING DAY BITCH!" She got up, jumping up and down.
I laughed, and did the same as her.
"I'M SO EXCITED!" I squealed.
"Okay no time to waste we're on a strict schedule and nothing can go wrong. You have twenty minutes to shower then we have just enough time to stop for coffee before going to the venue." She demanded.
"Yes ma'am. " I wide-eyed smiled. She scared me when she was in charge.

I quickly showered, while still doing my extra-special routine, which meant shaving every inch of my body and exfoliating. I got out, brushed my teeth, did my skincare and brushed my wet hair. I'd let the people doing hair dry it because I was out of time. I took one last look in the mirror and smiled, then looking down at my ever-growing belly.

Avani drove us to starbucks where we got coffee for all the girls and made our way to the venue. We parked, and walked up the corridor to the suite we would be getting ready in. My mom and Amy we're already there.
"Hey sweetie!" My mom walked over and hugged me.
"How's my baby doing?" Amy winked.
"It's okay I already know. " Avani laughed. "We almost forced her to drink last night so she spilled the beans. "
"Oh thank god I was so worried I was going to spill it on accident. " She sighed.
"You basically already did. " I giggled. "You guys go ahead and get started with hair and makeup, I'll go last.
Everyone nodded and we all began getting ready in our own ways.

About three hours later, everyone was finally ready. My mom zipped up my dress, which fit perfectly by the way, while she wiped her tears.
"You look perfect, honey. "
"Thanks mom." I smiled.
"You really do. " Amy grinned. "You look perfect."
"You can definitely tell you're pregnant though." Avani pointed out.
"I'll cover it with my bouquet until we make our announcement don't worry Vani!"
"Okay. Is everyone ready?" Avani yelled. "Ceremony starts in exactly two minutes."
"You guys can go ahead and get seated." I shoo-ed them out. "I got this."
They all smiled and waved, making their way out to their seats.
The music started, so I was just waiting on my cue to start walking. All of a sudden, nerves took over my body. That was to be expected though, I was about to walk out in front of almost three hundred people.

A worker from the venue eventually nodded at me, giving me my cue to start walking.
I walked down the aisle to the music, glancing around the room. I saw my parents, Collin and Sarah, my niece in her cute little flower girl dress, Jaden's family, all of our amazing friends, and then I locked eyes with my husband. He looked amazing. His tuxedo was a dark maroon color with black trimming. His shoes were black but sparkles under the lights. My eyes were pricked with tears when I noticed Jaden wipe tears from his eyes. I stood in front of him. He grabbed a microphone from the stand and interlocked his fingers with mine.
"First of all we want to thank everyone for coming to celebrate us today." Jaden started. "We just want to share some exciting news with you guys. If you would direct your attention to the screen to your right." He pointed over to the projector and screen.
A 'vlog' Jaden and I had made the day we went to the courthouse began playing. It started with us in the car, and getting out and meeting our parents. It showed us walking in the courthouse and exchanging vows. Audible gasps could be heard throughout the room once they realized what we had done while our parents were laughing along with us.
The video ended and everyone's attention directed back to us, amongst all the cheering and yelling. Our friends looked like they were in shock.
"We do have one more surprise though....." I smiled, removing my flowers from in front of me revealing a small bump on my stomach. Everyone in the room immediately started yelling and cheering.
This was the happiest moment of my life.

Once everything died down, Jaden took the mic once again.
"We didn't bring you guys here for nothing, though." He laughed. "Let's party!"

Happily Ever After // Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now