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To my surprise, Jaden and I were the first ones awake the next morning. We both got up out of bed after I helped him with his morning surprise if you know what I mean, taking a shower and heading down to make some breakfast for everyone.

As I plated all of our breakfast, everyone was now awake downstairs and crowded around the kitchen island talking amongst themselves.
I sat on the stool in between Bryce and Jaden, digging into my pancakes.
The doorbell rang and Josh went to answer. We were all really confused considering no one knew us in Texas so we all thought whoever it was may have the wrong house, but at the same time the house was gated so it was a little suspicious.
Josh peaked through the curtain and ran back in the kitchen.
"You guys, the cops are here." He eyes were wide and his face was colorless.
"What? Why?" Nick looked around confused.
Bryce and Jaden's faces dropped and they both slid down in their seats a little.
"I'll go answer it." Avani choked out.
"Do not let them in Avani." Griffin directed. "Everyone stay calm, no one did anything wrong so we'll be fine."
I knew he was lying to make us feel better but I tried to convince myself he was right.
"You can't just walk in! Get out!" Avani yelled, running behind the two cops who were swiftly walking to the kitchen.
"We have two warrants for a Mr. Jaden Hossler and Bryce Hall." One of the cops spoke clearly.
"For what?" I snarked back.
"Second degree murder." He spoke.
We all looked around at each other wide-eyed and dumbfounded.
"We didn't kill anyone." Bryce stuttered.
"The gentlemen you two decided to fight last night passed away early this morning due to complications of the injuries you two caused." He said. "You were identified from security footage at the bar and from eye witness testimonies. You two murdered an upstanding citizen of this city."
"Officer that man was sexually assaulting my wife. He threw the first punch." Jaden pleaded.
"Well, sir, your wife will have to file her own police report but for now I have to take you two in and book you. Hands behind your backs, please."
Jaden and Bryce slowly stood up from their chairs at the kitchen island and proceeded to put their hands behind their backs, their eyes filling up with tears.
"You can't do this!" I yelled. "They didn't do anything wrong, that man was hurting me!"
"Ma'am, please don't make this harder than it has to be." He pushed me away, reaching out for Jaden's hands with his handcuffs.
I stumbled back, falling back into the counter.
"Did you just fucking push her?" Jaden screamed.
"I did no such thing." He smirked. "Now let's go."
"Y/N I love you so much baby. Please stay strong for me please baby. This will all get worked out, I promise I'll see you soon." Jaden cried out.
I quickly grabbed his face, kissing it before breaking down myself.
"Always and forever" I cried.

Happily Ever After // Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now