full of surprises

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We ate lots of food, most people drank lots of drinks (not me hehe), and danced the night away.

I danced with my dad, causing both of us to ugly cry for no reason. We both were so terrible at dancing we kept stepping on each other's toes. It was now my new favorite memory with my dad. Before Jaden ripped me away for our first dance, my dad whispered in my ear, "I've never been more proud of you honey" and it's safe to say the tears were flowing at an alarming rate. Being pregnant made extra emotional.

"Lucky " by Jason Mraz feat. Colbie Caillat played in the background as I looked into my husband's eyes grinning ear to ear, swaying to the music. This exact moment was when I realized I had all I needed. My friends and my family. My life felt complete and my heart felt full. The most important was my own little family though. A husband I loved more than I could ever imagine, and a baby growing in my belly.

My thoughts took over and I thought back to who I was when I met Jaden over three years ago. I was depressed, lonely, regretful, and full of guilt. I had made so many mistakes that I had stopped counted a long time before. I was easily at the lowest point in my life. It's funny because I think I would live it all over again if it meant I ended up here with Jaden in the end. Jaden has always loved me so boldly and unapologetically no matter the situation. I think in the process of him falling in love with me, I learned to love myself. To be loved like this is a euphoric feeling. I no longer had to worry about losing him to someone else, Jaden Hossler was mine and mine only. I could have never dreamed that I would one day be where I am now. I wish Cass was here to celebrate with us, she would be so

"I love you angel." Jaden whispered in my ear.
"I love you so much Jaden Hossler. Always and forever. " I squeezed him extra tight as the song came to an end.
We turned our attention to Bryce and Avani, who now had the mic.
"Hey everyone." Bryce cleared his throat. "We just wanted to congratulate our best friends on starting their lives together."
"Yeah, we're glad you two got your shit together and realized you were meant to be." Avani laughed. "It was about damn time."
"Trueeee." Bryce laughed.
"We're not gonna stand up here and get all mushy because y'all know that's not us. But we do have another surprise! This ones mostly for Y/N and Jaden though."
"You guys are going to Hawaii! Tonight. Thanks to all your amazing friends." Avani beamed, motioning her hand to all of our other friends sitting at the table.
Jaden and I glanced at each other and started jumping up and down in excitement before running up to Bryce and Vani.
"Happy Honeymooning bitches! Now get out of here, your cars waiting outside." Bryce yelled into the mic, causing everyone to burst out into laughter.
"Don't worry, we packed for you. See you in five days!" Avani reassured.

We said all of our goodbyes to everyone who attended the wedding before making our grand exit. Outside waiting for us was a huge pick-up truck. We both laughed at the sight because they mostly definitely did that on purpose. Jaden opened my door for me, helping me jump up in the obnoxiously large truck before jumping in himself. We drove off into the sunset, literally, with everyone we knew and loved cheering in the distance.

i know there hasn't been much drama yet in this story but i promise it's coming and there's lots of it!!!! 🤠

Happily Ever After // Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now