leave me alone

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The next couple days trudged by slowly. I felt like a piece of me was missing, and truthfully it was.
I tried to spend as much time as possible with Jaden, hoping something would strike his memory eventually, but he seemed more interested in spending time with the boys. Hell, he had even spent time with Quinton. I still refused to give up though.

I walked downstairs to make some breakfast. It was almost eleven am and all of the boys were in the living room playing video games so I didn't bother them. I made some eggs and ate my breakfast in silence before Jaden walked in, grabbing a drink from the fridge.
"Hey Jaden?"
"I have a baby check-up today. I'm having another ultrasound done if you want to I don't know, maybe go with me?" I asked.
"Um, yeah maybe. I don't know I'll let you know." And that's all he said before he exited the kitchen. He didn't even ask what time the doctor's appointment was, so I knew that actually meant "no but I don't feel like hurting your feelings"

Since I was already ready, I decided to visit Vani at the Hype House. I grabbed the car keys from the counter, and walking towards the door.
"Uh hey, do you mind taking someone else's car today I need to go somewhere in my car later." Jaden said, not even taking his attention away from the game.
"Jaden the car is both of ours. But fine. I'll take Bryce's."
He didn't answer so I just threw his keys down, mostly in frustration, and grabbed Bryce's.

I pulled into the gate and drove down the driveway of the Hype House, before parking and getting out. I knocked on the front door and Chase answered.
"Hey Y/N!!!!" He brought me into a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're back, I visited once a week at the hospital. And look at my baby!!!" He admired the bump on my belly.
I giggled.
"He's getting huge. And he's starting to kick like crazy. Is Vani here?"
"Yeah we're all in the kitchen. Come in" He motioned for me to come in, and I did, following him all the way to the kitchen, immediately meeting eyes with my best friend and bringing her into a tight ass hug.
"I really need best friend time right now V." I pouted.
"Say no more." She petted my head. "Hang with us today."
"Of course. I have to leave at three for my doctor's appointment though."
"Is Jaden going?" She raised her eyebrows.
"He said 'I don't know maybe, I'll let you know' so I'm guessing no" I frowned.
"I really wish I could hate him right now..." She grimaced.
"Me too Vani."
"What's upppp Y/N!!" Nick came in, bringing me into a hug.
"Hey Nicky, what's up?"
"Just chillin. Do you guys want to be in my tiktok?"
"She hasn't posted since before the wedding." Avani declared.
"Oh, right. I'm sorry you don't have to-"
"No it's fine. I'll be in it." I reassured.
"Y/N they don't know you're pregnant yet" Avani questioned, but said it as more of a statement.
"They will now. I can't hide any longer." I reassured.

Nick pulled out of phone and continued documenting his day for a "vlog" on TikTok. He scanned the camera over to me. I was holding my belly in my hands, and there was no hiding it. Nick zoomed in on my face slowly, while saying something funny and trying to draw the attention away from my stomach. He posted it soon after he finished it, and the comments were filled with nothing but confirming my pregnancy.
I mean, there has been suspicions for awhile now. A couple of wedding pictures got leaked and you could see a small bump, but it could be explained away. There was no explaining now though.
I was a little worried because we haven't told our fans about the wreck or Jaden's condition. I didn't even know if he had been on social media or not yet.

I spent a couple more hours with Avani, catching up a little before it was almost time for me to go.
"I'm going to call Jaden real quick before I go" I announced and Avani nodded.

What do you want

Hello to you too. Are you coming to the doctor's appointment in an hour?

Why are you telling people you're pregnant with my child and why is my phone blowing up because of it?

Because I am..... We can't hide it forever Jae

Don't call me that again. You're fucking smothering me Y/N I'm sorry I don't remember you but damn can you leave me alone for two seconds? And maybe stop embarrassing me on social media

I was speechless. Avani heard the whole conversation because he was yelling pretty loud. He hung up after I didn't answer for a minute.

"I officially fucking hate him." Avani raged. "I'll go to your doctor's appointment with you love."
"No Ill go alone. I should probably get used to doing things like this alone considering I'm going to be a single mom now" I didn't give her a chance to answer before flashing her a quick smile and exiting the house, entering my car and absolutely losing it. I broke down in hysterics. This can't be reality. How is this fair?

Happily Ever After // Jaden Hossler Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon