i'm sorry

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"None of it?" The small smile faded from my face.
"No, and I don't know why. I look so happy in all these pictures but you look like a stranger to me." He said. "I'm really sorry."
"It's not your fault Jae." I weakly smiled. "I'm not giving up though, so you better get used to seeing my face around here."
"Deal." He reached his hang out for me to shake, and I did.
"Could you pass me my phone please?" Jaden tried to reach over the bed for it but failed.
I got up from my seat and handed it over to him.
He thanked me and began scrolling through his phone.
"So I'm assuming you're "The loml and my smoking hot wife" in my phone?" He laughed.
"That would be me." I giggled.
"These messages are pretty steamy..." He trailed of. "Oh my god did we do these things?"
I reached over, glancing over at his phone. I pointed to a message. "We didn't do that but we did do the third one."
"Damn... kinky."
We both laughed in response.
"So according to the doctor my memory is just supposed to randomly come back?" He asked.
"Pretty much. I'm supposed to remind you of memories here and there so hopefully something brings anything at all back."
"And what if it doesn't?" He questioned.
"We're not thinking like that. We need you here when Brycen is born so we have a little under four months to get you back to normal."
"I'm really having a baby?"
"Well, I'm having a baby." I laughed. "You are going to be a dad though."
"That's crazy. I used to swear I never wanted kids."
"Really? Ever since I've met you, you've said nothing but that you wanted as many kids as I could possibly birth."
"You must be pretty special then."
"You did marry me after all..."
"You know you really don't have to sit here with me, right?" Jaden asked. "I should be going home in a day or two anyway."
"There's no way I'm leaving you. I know if it were me in that hospital bed to right now that you wouldn't leave me either."
"So you were in a coma too?"
"Yeah. I woke up a week before you did. You woke up a couple minutes after I finally got to talk to you. It was crazy. Everyone said they had been talking to you everyday and you never moved or woke up, but when I touched you, you woke up."
"I really feel like I should remember you. I mean as far as my memory goes, I woke up with Mads as my girlfriend. At one point I thought I'd be stuck with her forever."
"Yeah we got past that a long time ago." I giggled. "Sorry that's not funny."
"No it's pretty funny." He laughed. "So I guess for now we're starting over?"
"Sounds like it."

The rest of the day, we watched some tv, a movie, and he even got up so we could go for a short walk. I guess this was our new normal, for now anyway. I eventually helped him eat dinner, and soon after a nurse came in and told me visiting hours were over. I got ready to leave and she stopped me in my tracks.
"Where are you going without your husband?" She joked.
"What?" We both questioned.
"Mr.Hossler is being discharged tonight."
I quickly turned back, looking at Jaden who looked equally surprised as me. I squealed in excitement and walked back over to my seat to watch for them to bring his discharge papers and take all of his iv's out.
About an hour later, I was pushing Jaden's wheelchair out to my car. I helped him in, a nurse came and got the wheelchair from me, and I entered the car turning the ignition on.
"Ready to go home?" I smiled.
"Where's home?" He asked.
"The Sway House of course."
He nodded in response, he looked really sleepy so I was just going to leave him alone.

I texted Bryce I was on the way home, leaving out the part where Jaden was also coming. After all, we do love a surprise in this family.

I pulled into my parking spot in the driveway and grabbed Jaden's bag of belongings, helping him up out of the car too. We walked to the house with my arm around his waist, and his arm around my neck for support.
I turned the knob and opened the door, revealing all the boys running around quickly trying to clean the house, from what I'm assuming was a party. They all gasped and ran over celebrating when they noticed Jaden beside me.
"Oh my god!" Bryce yelled. "My boy is homeeeeee"
"Welcome home my man." Griffin smiled.
"Hey bitch." Anthony laughed.
"I'll take your bag bro." Josh smiled.
"Who's the other blonde?" Jaden questioned.
"Oh I guess you don't remember me either. I'm Quinton. Believe it or not we're actually friends." He laughed.
"Cool." Jaden nodded. "Is my room still in the same place? I'm exhausted."
"Yeah... uh. I'll show you up." I said, motioning for Bryce to help me get him upstairs.
When we reached "our room", Jaden looked around. The room had obviously changed since he last remembered. Instead of two air mattresses and random boy's belongings all over the room, there was now a King bed, dressers, a desk, and on the other side of the room was a crib. The other side was completely decorated for Brycen already, all of this thanks to the boys.
"So this is our room?" He asked.
"Yeah... um if you don't want to sleep in the same bed I get it considering I'm a stranger right now." I cringed.
"Um... yeah, sorry. If you don't mind."
"You can sleep in my room for now man." Bryce reassured. "I'll get an air mattress in here for me to sleep on."
"You can just sleep in the bed with her." Jaden nodded.
"Dude you will kill me. Trust me. I'll sleep in the floor." Bryce defended.
Jaden walked out without saying good night, taking his bag with him. Bryce walked over when he saw my face drop.
"Don't take any of this personal, Y/N. He's just as fragile as you right now and I promise he has no idea what he's doing. He doesn't mean any of it."
"I know... it's just hard. I miss him so much." I cried.

Happily Ever After // Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now