this bitch

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I fluttered my eyes open, my eyes adjusting to the light, and looking at my surroundings. I was laying on the couch under a blanket, and Nessa on the other side of the couch still sleeping.
I got up and walked in the kitchen, checking my phone. No missed calls or texts. That's weird. It was 8:30am, I bet Jaden went and slept upstairs and the boys crashed here.
I walked upstairs and opened my bedroom door but it was empty. The guest bedrooms were too.
I called Jaden but no answer. I called Bryce too but he didn't answer. Josh's went straight to voicemail.
I went back downstairs and saw that Nessa was awake and on her phone.
"Hey have you heard from any of them?" I asked, sitting down next to her.
"No and it's weird. I'm guessing you haven't either. Should we go to Sway and see if they're there?"
I nodded and we walked outside and down the sidewalk to Sway.
The front door was locked which was unusual so I texted Griffin. He immediately responded and came downstairs to let us in.
"Hey are the boys here?" I asked.
"Um... no. I haven't seen them." Griffin spat out, looking visibly nervous.
"Then why do you look so nervous?" Nessa became a little annoyed. I can't even blame her because me too.
"Okay look. They're here and they're sleeping but I was hoping I could fix this mess before you guys woke up."
"What mess?" Nessa and I said at the same time.
"Just promise me you won't yell Y/N, I don't want you adding stress to your body right now with the baby. Nessa, you can do as you please." He motioned is towards the stairs and we followed. I walked a little slower than the two who were basically running out of panic but I finally made it. I walked around the corner as Nessa yelled.
I slowly trudged toward the door and Griffin stopped me right before I looked.
"I really think you should just go back home, please Y/N. I'm worried about you and the baby."
"Griffin I know you're trying to be helpful but I swear to god if you don't move right now I will fucking hurt you."
He threw his arms up in surrender and moved to the side so I could witness what Nessa was crying about. My heart was racing and my stomach dropped when I saw Jaden laying on one side of the bed, Josh on the other, and a naked girl laying in between the two.
I watched in horror and tried to come up with my next move. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and took a picture of them for evidence just in case.
I grabbed a pillow from the floor and hit Jaden in the head with it as hard as my pregnant self could. He shot up.
"What the fuck?" He grabbed his head. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he looked up.
He looked me in the eyes and his eyes immediately softened.
In the process of this, Josh woke up and realized what was happening, looking over at Nessa who was bawling her eyes out.
He jumped up running over to her, but Nessa pushed him away and ran downstairs.
Jaden was still staring at me in horror as I gave him a death glare waiting on him to speak up.

He kept staring.

I kept staring.

The girl rolled over, facing Jaden, and woke up. She grabbed his arm, not realizing I was there.
"Oh, morning cutie." She smirked.
Jaden flinched, pushing her off, and looking back at me, causing her to notice me.
"Who the hell are you?" She groaned.
"Ask him."
"Who is she Kyle?"
I laughed. "Who the fuck is Kyle? That's Jaden. My husband. Oh, and if you didn't realize yet, this is his child I'm carrying."
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." She sprang up, covering herself with the sheet. "I had no idea, I'm so so so sorry. I'm leaving."
She took the sheet with her, grabbing her clothes and exiting the room.
Look who finally had something to say.
I didn't reply.
"It's not what it looks like."
"Then what is it?"
"Maybe it's what it looks like." He walked over trying to grab my hands but I pushed him away.
"Fuck." He screamed. "I don't know how this happened. I fucked up so bad. I don't know how it ended up like this."
"I never want to talk to you again Jaden Hossler."

so don't hate me for this chapter i promise i'm going somewhere w this just stick with me :))

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