this can't be real

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A week later... I was finally being discharged from the hospital. Every single amazing person in my life has been taking turns sitting with me so I never had to be alone. I don't know how I would ever manage to repay all of them. It was Anthony's shift right now.
"Here's some clothes Avani sent, Y/N." Ant smiled, handing me a duffle bag filled with everything I would need.
"Thanks Ant." I smiled, and pulled myself up off the bed, walking into the bathroom to change.
I changed into a t-shirt and some sweats. The t-shirt was snug over my ever-growing belly. I trudged out of the room and sat down next to Ant on the small couch.
"You guys slept on this thing every night?" I groaned. "It's so fucking uncomfy."
"Don't remind me." Anthony laughed, playfully rolling his eyes.
"Hey I just realized something. Obviously my lease ran out a long time ago, where is all my stuff?" I asked.
"At the Sway. We had some movers bring it over, and it's been sitting in Jaden's room since." Ant smiled.
"Ready to go home and rest?" He helped me up from the couch, grabbing all my belongings.
"You didn't really think I would leave without stopping and seeing Jaden would you?" I playfully punched his arm.
"Fair enough." He held up his hands in surrender. "It's three doors down."
I'm assuming no one told me that because they knew I'd sneak off and see him in the middle of the night....

We turned the corner, and slowly walked. I counted the doors between mine and Jaden's, coming to an abrupt stop in front of his, which was open just a smidge.
I took a deep breath, and pushed the door open slowly. Tears pricked my eyes as I watched Jaden peacefully lying in the hospital bed. His skin was pale, his cheeks had no color, and his chest slowly moving in and out.
Anthony walked over to the small couch on the other side of the room and sat my bags down before walking back over to me and laying a reassuring hand down on my shoulder.
"I'm going to go down to the cafeteria and grab us something to eat, take your time and catch up with him."
I nodded and forced a quick smile in return, eyeing Jaden down one last time before walking over and sitting down in the small chair beside his bed.
"Hey, Jae. I miss you so much." I wiped a tear away. "I don't remember exactly how we ended up here, but what I do remember is fighting with you before the wreck. Jaden I don't care where we live as long as I'm with you and our baby. I woke up a week ago, and you have been on my mind constantly since. I need you here with me Jaden. I need you here to be an amazing parent with me. By the way, we were having twins. One didn't make it, but I still have our baby boy growing in my stomach. He will be here in a little under three months, so I really need you to be strong right now and wake up so you can be here when Brycen comes. Jaden I love you so much, please wake up baby." I placed my hand over his, and squeezed it a little.
"I love you Jaden. Always and forever."
A couple seconds later, I felt his hand wiggle underneath mine. I immediately squealed, causing a nurse and Anthony to quickly run inside.
"What's going on?!" The nurse ran over, checking Jaden's vitals.
"He- he jjust moved his hand." I sobbed.
Anthony's eyes turned wide and rushed over to celebrate with me.
I never once moved my hand from Jaden's, hoping it would happen again.
"Jaden baby please wake up baby please" I pleaded.
A minute or two later, his eyes twitched a little.
The nurse in the room watched closely along with Anthony and I.
His eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the light in the hospital room.
"Jaden!!!!" I sobbed, bringing him into a hug. "I missed you so so so much."
"Hey man." Anthony wiped tears away from his eyes.  "Welcome back."
He didn't say anything for a moment. He looked intently around the room, taking his surroundings in.
"Jaden you're scaring me, can you say something?" I begged.

"Mads?" He questioned.

Happily Ever After // Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now