road trip pt. 1

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"Come on Y/N, they're waiting outside, I have the suitcases in the van already!" Jaden yelled from downstairs.
I grabbed my phone charger and my purse, making my way downstairs.
"Finally." Jaden rolled his eyes.
"Good morning to you too." He was not a morning person. Especially at 2 am.
Jaden opened the van door for me, helping me up the steps.
"Hey lovebirds!!" Bryce yelled, earning a groan from everyone in the van.
"Too. Early." Anthony groaned.
"Hey guys." I whispered, sitting down next to Avani, and Jaden next to me.
"Morning Vani." I smiled, leaning my head on her shoulder.
"Morning bebe. I'm going back to sleep." She leaned over on Nick, closing her eyes and pulling her blanket up over her body.
And with that, the driver started the van and we began our journey.

I woke up by the sound of everyone talking and lifted my head up off of Jaden's shoulder, unwrapping his arm from around my shoulder.
"Look who's finally awake." Josh joked.
"Morning sunshine." Jaden smiled, kissing my cheek.
"Morning everyone. What time is it?"
"2:30" Nick replied.
"Am?" I questioned. "I only slept thirty minutes?"
Bryce pulled back the blackout curtain in the van, revealing the bright sun and causing me to squint.
"2:30 pm" Bryce laughed.
"Holy shit." I laughed. "How much longer do we have?"
"About..." The driver checked his watch. "10 hours."
I rolled my eyes, annoyed that we didn't fly but I guess road trips are fun.
Everyone was joking around and laughing, and I was sitting back and observing, still a little sleepy.
After another hour or two, the van stopped at a gas station so we could use the restroom and get something to eat before resuming back to our long journey.

skip to the airbnb....

"This place is fucking massive." Bryce looked around amazed, and we all agreed, taking in our surroundings. All the boys raced upstairs to get dibs on the best rooms. Avani and I stayed downstairs, unloading the food and drinks we had brought and put them in their respective places.
After Jaden picked out our room, I followed him up the stairs to unpack a little and relax for a minute because I knew Bryce would want to start drinking any minute now.

"Okay. Un-packing is done." I sighed, flopping down on the bed.
"Hey babe?" Jaden looked up from his pillow at me.
"Yeah?" I questioned.
"I uh- have this really weird feeling. Like something bad is going to happen."
"What do you mean?" I raised up, scooting closer to him and grabbing his hand.
"I don't know. Just a feeling. I doubt anything will though."
"Hopefully not. I know nothing bad will happen between us, so whatever it is I know we will get through it. Promise" I smiled reassuringly, holding out my pinky.
Jaden wrapped his pinky around mine, forming a faint smile in return.
"I love you"
"I love you Jae"  He pecked my lips.
"Always and Forever, right?"
"No matter what" I grinned. "You're stuck with me babe"

Happily Ever After // Jaden Hossler Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя