get it together

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While rolling in bed restless at 3am, I came to the conclusion that I probably over-reacted at the hospital. I can't blame Jaden for what he said or how he acted, he doesn't even remember me.
That doesn't mean it didn't hurt any less though.

It was now 7am and I still hadn't slept. The mixture of sadness, anger, and being very pregnant didn't mix well at all. I rolled out of bed, taking a quick shower, and throwing on some clothes. I decided on a pair of stretchy athletic shorts and one of Jaden's hoodies. I slipped it over my head, and then soon realized... He doesn't even know who I am right now. I refused to cry any more. Instead of sulking around, I was going to take action.

I walked downstairs to get some breakfast, and saw Bryce drinking coffee at the kitchen counter.
"Morning B." I smiled.
"Hey bud, how are you holding up?" He smiled, genuinely.
"Better than I'd think. I'm going to go back to the hospital though, I refuse to give up. If it were me who didn't remember him I know Jae wouldn't give up that easy." I huffed. "Do you guys have any pictures from the wedding or anything I could take with me?"
"Uh... yeah actually. Hold on." Bryce got up from his seat and went into one of the offices downstairs. He came out a couple minutes later with a big book, maybe a scrapbook?
"What's this?" I asked.
"We made you guys a scrapbook of all your wedding pictures. There's some pictures from the weekend at the lake house too. We were going to give it to you guys when you got back home from Hawaii but..."
"This is beautiful Bryce." I grinned. "It's perfect. Hey Bryce can I ask you something?"
"Sure. What's up?"
"Would you maybe want to uh- be Brycen's god father? With everything going on right now, I couldn't imagine him having a better uncle to be there for him. And if anything else every happened to me or-"
"Are you kidding me I would be honored!" He beamed. "Y/N I will always be here for you and BJ, I love you guys and you are family." He brought me into a hug, before leaning down and speaking to the bump on my belly.
"I don't know about that nickname, but Brycen, Jaden and I are so lucky to have you B." I smiled. And everyone else in this house for that matter. I can't believe I ever doubted moving in here."
"Shh. Want me to go to the hospital with you?" He asked.
"No, you guys deserve a break, seriously." I reassured. "I won't be back until later tonight hopefully so you guys should throw a party or something, let loose and have fun. You all deserve it."
"You don't have to tell me twice." He laughed. "Let me know when you make it to the hospital."

I grabbed Jaden's car keys from the counter, walking out and getting in the car. I haven't driven a car in I don't know how long. Jaden always drove. Wow, this isn't getting any easier. But it's time to be strong. I have a baby to be strong for, and Jaden too. I wasn't giving up on him.

A little under an hour later, I parked at the hospital. I texted Bryce letting him know I had made it and slowly trudged in, doing a pregnant waddle. I pressed the button on the elevator and walked over to Jaden's room. I pushed the door open and heard voices talking? I peaked around the corner, and saw Jaden and Mads.
She turned around and saw me and then said goodbye to Jaden, and pulling me outside.
"What the he-"
"It's not what you think Y/N. I promise. He called me, because he thought we were still together. When I walked in, he told me he had been wanting to break up with me for awhile so I didn't tell him otherwise, I was going to leave that up to you. Believe me, I've moved on and I wouldn't try to come in between your family." She reassured. "I'm so sorry you're having to go through this Y/N. Please call me if you need anything at all."
I nodded and forced a quick smile before saying bye to Mads and walking back in to Jaden.
He gave me a very confused look.
"You're the girl from yesterday." He raised his eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"
"Just give me ten minutes and then if you want me to leave after that I will."
He nodded in response.
"Jaden we met a little three years ago. You were working with my brother, Collin. He produced your first album. We had a rocky start, but began dating after you and Mads broke up. One night at a party at Sway, Ant got really drunk and kissed me. I ran down crying to tell you and you yelled at me and told me to leave. You dumped me two days later and we didn't talk for two years. I moved on in that time and got engaged to Nick Austin. Of course I still loved you, a lot. When you heard about the engagement, you came to mine and Avani's apartment and begged me not to marry him, and to be with you instead. And I listened. I broke off my engagement and starting focusing on our relationship. A month or two later, we went on vacation with everyone, and that's where we found out Avani and Nick got together." I laughed. "And that day you took me out on a yacht and we had the most amazing day. We came back and you had everyone decorate outside and around the pool and you proposed. You planned to just ask me to be your girlfriend but you took it a step further. Four months ago today, we got married in Georgia. That's where I told you I was pregnant. A day before the wedding, we got married at the courthouse with just our parents, and then surprised everyone at the real 'wedding' which basically just turned into a huge reception. We went to Hawaii that night, spent five days there, and then got in the wreck on the way home from the airport. We were in a fight when we wrecked and honestly I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself. I feel like this is all my fault. I know that's a lot to take in right now and you probably think I'm crazy but please just look at these pictures for a minute."
I handed him the photo album and he took it from my hands, flipping through all the pictures. I watched his face light up as he looked through page after page silently.
When he was done, he closed the photo album.
"I don't remember any of this."

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