welcome home

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I sat in my seat beside Jaden waiting for the plane to take off. We were finally going back home.
The pilot announced we would be taking off in a couple minutes so Jaden grabbed my hand, squeezing it and smiling at me.
I laid my head on his shoulder. I've been super clingy since we picked him up this morning and I know it's probably annoying but I'm just so happy he's back. I even made Bryce sit on my other side because I refused to let them out of my sight.

The plane finally landed. I was wide awake the whole flight out of pure excitement. I hadn't been home in over six months. I haven't seen my mom or dad, my brother, sister in-law or niece in six months. Things were finally going to be normal. I shook Jaden and Bryce off of each of my shoulders they were sleeping on, causing them to jump up in shock.
"Plane landed." I smiled.
They both nodded, standing up, and getting off the plane right behind Nick and Avani. We all got our luggage and headed towards the exit. Josh was waiting for us in his car when we finally got outside.
"Welcome home buddy's" He grinned, hugging both Jaden and Bryce.
We all piled in the back seats, talking amongst ourselves until we arrive back at home. Josh pulled into Avani and Nick's house first, dropping them off and we all said our goodbyes.
"Seriously, thank you guys for everything. I won't ever be able to re-pay you guys." I said as I hugged them both.
"That's what family is for." Nick smiled. "Besides, the wedding is in a month so I'm sure you'll get a chance to make it up."
Avani laughed, and then her face turned upside down, clutching her stomach and running over to the grass, puking.
We all ran over to her.
"Are you okay?" I gasped.
"I-uh, yeah. I'm fine." She forced a small smile.
Nick cleared his throat, almost signaling something to Avani.
"Well actually..."
"We're having a baby." Nick grinned.
"No way?" Jaden chimed in.
"Yeah..." Avani shyly said. "I'm about seven weeks."
"Are you fucking kidding me!" I screamed. "I'm so excited! Congratulations you guys!"
"We'll be unstoppable when our kids become best friends." Jaden laughed.
"True." I agreed. "Now go inside and go hydrate and lay down!"
"Yes ma'am." They both said, walking inside and leaving us.
We all got back in the car, taking the short journey back to our house. Josh pulled into our driveway first, helping us get our luggage out and walking us in.
"Damn it's been awhile." Jaden sighed, sitting down on the couch and spreading out.
"Way too long. I missed home."
"Okay we're heading back to Sway." Josh said.
"We'll be two houses down if you guys need anything." Bryce laughed.
"Love you guys!" I yelled towards the front door.
They both said love you back and headed back home.
I snuggled up next to Jaden.
"I missed this." He whispered into my ear, rubbing his hand on my belly.
"Me too." I smiled. "More than you know."

Happily Ever After // Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now