new friends

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The food finally arrived and we laid our chinese food out on the coffee table wasting no time digging in.
"This is so good" I said in between bites. "I swear I eat five or six meals a day now"
"I do that too but I'm not even pregnant" Nessa laughed. "Are you excited about the baby?"
"Beyond excited but also terrified" I said laying my fork down. "I'm assuming you know about my last pregnancy?"
"Yeah..." She sighed. "It was right around when Josh and I first started talking and he would FaceTime me so upset about everything. You guys have been through so much. You and Jaden are so lucky to have each other, I hope me and Josh are like you guys one day."
"Hopefully without all the extra shit we've been through." I laughed.
"I swear Josh and Bryce like you more than they like Jaden." She laughed. "They talk about you at all times, literally like you're their best friend."
"They really are I swear, we even named one of our twins after Bryce. More because I love the name Bryson but it was kind of fitting. He's gonna be the god father. Not because I like him more but because he really stepped up in a huge way when I was going through all that with Jaden and we got really close, and then Josh stepped up for Jae."
"They both really are amazing guys. You just have to get past the crazy personas and all the madness." She giggled. "I was so nervous to come here and meet you tonight because if you didn't like me I knew Josh would dump me."
"Oh god please don't think like that! If Josh likes you, then I know we all will. Plus, I finally have someone to hang with when the boys come over." I smiled.
The rest of the night, we talked about our families, some of our childhood memories, and even posted a couple things together on social media.
We were watching David Dobrik compilations on youtube when Jaden called me.
Hey babe how's everything going?
Good I- I'm drunk like realllllly drunk
So you're having fun
Yeah I'm fun baby I love you this girl tried to hit on me but I showed her my ring and said no I'm married and I love my wife
Oh god. Well it's almost two so we might go
to sleep soon but wake me up when you get home okay? I love you

Jaden didn't reply he just hung up, but I didn't think much of it because he was clearly intoxicated and they were probably in a big crowd of people. Which was weird, because it was silent in the background of the phone but whatever.

"Are they okay?" Nessa asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah, seemed to be. Jaden was drunk as hell so I guess they're having fun." I shrugged.
"You look kinda worried, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I trust him so I know nothing will happen."
"I know he would never cheat on you Y/N, don't sweat it. It's totally normal to feel like that."
"Yeah, you're right." I smiled, pushing the bad thoughts to the back of my mind.

Happily Ever After // Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now